This isn't good bye

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Y/n's pov
I was upset and ended up writing a song I was currently by the piano with the notes in my hand.

It's funny cause I've always dreamed of me and you now here we are staring at the stars you just broke my heart even though you promised you'd never do that from the start.But I guess we can only make it so far cuz time wasn't in our favor this isn't goodbye this is simply see you later.

I was already crying at the end of the song because everyone I seem to love either cheats or just leaves my life.

Y/n can I come in. I hear someone ask me.
Sure. I responded and wiping my tears away.

Look don't get mad at me I just wanted to check on you. Adam says.
It's ok I was just writing a new song for my tour but I was wondering sense the day we broke up why did you cheat? I ask him

It's just that you were always gone on tours and I was left alone and then came Emma and she reminded me of you how no matter what you would always protect your siblings. He explained

Well I'm sorry I was gone all the time I never agreed to be gone for months my managers would just drop that bomb on me. I say

And I get that ok I get it but you could have at least left a not but you see that doesn't matter anymore. He said he pulls out his arm and says

Friends till..
The forever end. I finished for him putting my hand in his hand he smiles at me and I smile back.

I hear the door open and we both turn are heads to see A-lan looking at us in confusion.

Oh hey A-lan Adam here was just reminding me of something important that was on my mind. I say when I see A-lan glaring at Adam.

Well I was wondering if you were going to say goodbye to Addison we're going to utopia today remember. A-lan's says

Of course I just wanted to clear the air with Adam first but I'll see you there I promise I won't forget.

Well I should head out bye Y/n and remember what we talked about. Adam says

I will and bye Adam. I say nodding my head.

What were you guys talking about? Alan asks me.

Oh nothing that important and something I would definitely like to keep to my self thank you very much. I say

Oh ok. Alan says looking at me suspicious

Look I'm sorry A-lan if I could tell you I would tell you but I can't because it is personal. I explained

Oh yeah if its personal the why does Adam know huh! He screams at me.

Because I know Adam would never leave me to go to other planet or worse galaxy he might have cheated but that is better then going to other universe!! I scream back.

It's not my choice but I have to got utopia for my family and my friends not everything is about you Y/n you're just a selfish bitch!! A-lan screams at me and that was the last straw for me.

You know what just tell Addi I'll miss her for me I am done with you I thought you were the one but I guess not Peter was right everyone changes and we I'm done!! I scream I grab my things and run out the door and don't stop till I get to my house.

A/n Hey y'all I'm going to bed goodnight love you guys.

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