Keeping Control

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Eddie opened his eyes; he was in control again. He looked around and saw a lot of dead bats. He stood up and tried to gather his thoughts. “Shit what have I done?” he groans and held his head. His head throbbed, he could still feel it, this voice, a bad feeling in his head. He knew he wasn’t safe to be around, but he had to get out of the upside down, away from Vecna.

Robin, Nancy and Steve head to Mikes where Mike and Eleven where. They walk in. “Mike?” Nancy yells looking around. Mike and Eleven come out from the basement. Nancy hugs Mike.

“Uh hi” Mike was confused Nancy never hugs him.

“uh sorry” Nancy back away.

“we followed those bats and ended up in the upside down you won’t believe who’s alive” Steve looks at the kids worried.

“Eddie, we know he attacked Will don’t worry his fine everyone else is with him” Mike looks at Eleven “she went into his head”

“what did you see?” Steve looks at Eleven

“Eddie but two Eddies like he was fighting himself, he was scared” Eleven looks down sad feeling awful for him then looks at Mike

“she tried to help him, but we don’t know what happened”
“that’s why the bats stopped attacking” Robin looks at Nancy and Steve

Couple days go by Will is home and Johnathan keeps an eye on him the rest are at Mikes figuring out how to stop not only Vecna but Eddie too.
“I just don’t think I can, he is our friend Mike” Dustin looks over to Mike tears in his eyes.

“Dustin, Eddie is dead he is just a monster with our friends face but his not Eddie”

“I can’t believe you just said that Mike” Dustin gets up “I need air” Dustin walks outside trying to not cry “damn Eddie you didn’t deserve all this, Chrissy, on the run now this” Dustin says to himself.

“that’s what I call bad luck” an familar voice speaks

Dustin hears someone speak behind him. He turns around and sees a dark shadow. “whose there?” as the shadow came closer Dustin slightly moved back. Dustin then sees the figures face “Eddie? Damn you look awful”

“feel it” Eddie laughs then falls down. Dustin runs over

“hey Eddie, it’s ok, wait you’re not going to eat me, right? Eddie laughs then coughs.

“promise I won’t”

“your Eddie as in my Eddie my friend Eddie?” Dustin looks into Eddies darkened eyes.

“yea Henderson, it’s me but I can still hear him, Vecna he talks to me, I haven’t eaten in days not since I took control back thanks to your friend Eleven, right? Hard to forget a name that’s a number” Eddie laughs again “ow that hurts.”

“damn it Eddie you’re dying all over again” then Dustin gets an idea. He helps Eddie up and over to a bench by the road. “what about animal blood?”

“trust me man I tried that I just threw it up” Eddie looks at Dustin’s neck. “You just look like food to me and it’s killing me I don’t want to hurt anyone just stay away.” Eddie tries to stand but falls.

“you’re too weak.” Dustin helps him back up “come on come home with me”

Dustin and Eddie arrive at Dustin’s home. Dustin sneaks Eddie through the window so his mom doesn’t see then he comes through the front door and into his room where Eddie is. Eddie laid on Dustin’s bed looking so pale and ill. Dustin goes over to him.
“hey Eddie, you still alive?” Dustin shakes him. Eddie laughs

“no, I died remember”

“you know what I mean, the party is going to kill me if they find out I have you here”

“why can’t you tell them?” Eddie sits up and looks at Dustin.

“they will probably want to kill you I don’t know” Dustin grabs a sleeping bag “you can sleep in this but I’m not sleeping with a vampire in my room”

Couple hours later of course Dustin fell asleep. Eddie stands over Dustin’s bed looking at him and licking his lips. “you can’t you can’t his your friend” then an inner voice said, “but you need it” Eddies eyes glow red, his fangs extend then Dustin opens his eyes and shrieks falling off his bed. The sound of Dustin shakes Eddie out of the trance he was in. “damn I’m so sorry Henderson” He backs away and tears up “I’m not safe to be around” Eddie grabs an umbrella from Dustin’s room then jumps out the window and uses the umbrella to make sure the gaze of the sun doesn’t hit him. Dustin watches as Eddie flees still in shock, he kept imagining Eddies eyes, his teeth.

“shit Eddie wait” Dustin gets up and runs outside but he was already gone “I’m going to have to tell everyone” he grabs his bike and peddles to Mikes house.

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