Bad Wedding Odds

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"It's a wrap-up, official: We are engaged! Look! This is the ring!"

The poor little princess heart that went through real hard times was having a tough time to recover from the dazzling storm of feelings that were rushing to meet her brains. How to keep them down!? What if she faints! She had to keep talking and talking over and over again. Speaking out loud saying anything was suddenly her specialty. Who cared what people might say or think, it was her right to be happy and survive this killer-self of hers attacking her own judgement; the ironical Darla friend watching, her four-eyed sight filled with the sweetest, most adorable sickening sarcasm one can concoct. "So, you got it!... the ring." "Oh, yes, and it is the most beautiful ring, look!" "Yes, yes, I've seen it! Everybody's got their chance grabbed or fluttered in the nose by now!" "What do you mean by that" "Nothing. It's just that you're so good at nose-jobs!" "Do you think that I hurt some feelings?" "Feelings? Hurt? Who was talking about feelings here!? Let's not go in so deep, shall we?" "No, really! I was just ..." "Showing off your new super-powers?" "Yeah, right!" "Look, a couple of those you reshaped the faces deserved it plenty! At least from now on they'll be able to look themselves in the mirror!" "You think?" "Well, don't you? Stop being such an insecure plastic surgeon, dear. Of course, it will take time all their recovery, but all in all you did quite a nice job! Not many can stand now as proud as you do!" "Proud!? You think this is a matter of pride?" "Oh, when you'll see the final results you'll know it! Now let us have patience and enjoy this victory of evil-us over the too good to be true!" "Right! Body shape and builders?" "Sure! Why not go full-package!?"

 The wedding dress was ready, covering the mannequin, keeping it spotless, away from mustard hands and ketch-up mouths to kiss it either hello or goodbye, stakes not willing to embrace it. Then the coffin next door, where the neighbours were getting ready for the ceremony: their dog had a heart-attack and their cat fled - never-mind uncle Fred, he was a cave-man anyway. Besides, what was the point in waiting there, the cat was asking herself, when something more exciting was going on in this garden of parties and weddings next door, the place where the dog, her friend, used to take her for the watch of something else. At least they were happier to see that there were some other kind of parties than the dull dark and grey ones of burial ceremonies. The family was in the corpses business, Halloween being their funniest and most pleasant choice of the year, still, either the most frightening or the most deeply morbid and sad of which one could ever think. It was a gift of their own nature to be and show different compared to everybody else, the flashy and colourful bright! Now the cat was out for some colour - she couldn't bare another ceremony - five in three days plus the loss of her dear old mate and friend is enough even for an animal like her. So, she pawed her way to the neighbours house where she knew that there was something pretty to either admire or find the evil heart to spoil. "Meow.... I feel like spoiling some fun! Or even ruin their fun... or add to it. You'd blame and scold me for this, Blubber, you old dog and friend, if you were here you'd reprimand me like never before. But I am alone now, left on my own, with no friends by my side, no cats company to enjoy and most certainly no other dog like you... we grew up together, you saved me from a couple of badass killers out there and I scratched your back every now and then when you needed a good old massage. We pantomimed a lot for real fish and milk; you barked I meowed... then we shared the treats. At least that. I could never repay you for the life I lived after the save, and for that which I am looking forward to - "Uh, a wedding dress! All white!" the cat perceives. "Ow, my paws, how itchy it feels between my little claws!" She seems to be fascinated by the interior of the room, the wedding dress catching most of her attention. What's got into her or what was actually possesing her, if one likes, a secret not to be revealed too soon. As she checks all the windows she finds one that's open and gets herself inside the room. Eyes rounded she watches in awe the great bell-like thing next to this dress and dreams about the sweet wedding cake that must taste like mice. There should be no other way. Not in her vision and expectancy of all this non-sensical thing that's come to her. If this were her party, her moment...! 

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