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Naruto is seen training in the inuzuka compound with kiba at there training ground after completing the training with his summons

Kiba human beast clone fang over fang

Naruto double human beast henge  TRIPLE WOLF FANG OVER FANG

they clash with Naruto winning as he pushed kiba back

Tsume ok enough you to you have team placements soon

Both hai

They get cleaned up

Naruto takes to roof jumping with kiba doing same

They head to academy

Iruka ok team 7 is Sasuke satsuki and sai sensei's are mikoto and anko

Team 8 Shino Hinata and saia sensei's kurenai and Hitomi hyuuga

Team 9 in circulation

Team 10 ino shika cho sensei's asuma and inoichi

Team 11 naruto and kiba sensei's tsume and jiraiya of the sannin and Tsunade of the sannin and kakashi hatake

Naruto and kiba shushin out knowing where to go

To be continued

naruto inuzuka the inuzuka wolf masterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon