Alhaitham flirting‼️ Not clickbait‼️

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Kaze wasn't very sure how he got into this position but he wasn't exactly complaining. He was about to ascend to the heavens because he was squished in between his crush and a concrete wall, while hiding from enemies after they were supposed to be arresting a criminal. Maybe we should start from the beginning so you can understand his predicament. 

6 hours before this crazy scene

"Alhaitham, how exactly are we supposed to find this person you're looking for? It's been 2 hours and we still have no traces!" Kaze exclaims. They had been trying to find some sort of clue to lead them towards the person who cheated on their final exams around his house. "Just keep looking. We'll find something" Alhaitham said. After 30 more minutes of searching Kaze saw something in the bushes on the side of the house. "Look Alhaitham, It's a trap door! Maybe he's hiding in there." As Kaze creeps closer to the door Alhaitham grabs his wrist, pulling him back. "Let me go first. It might be dangerous." he says. "Well last time I checked I was the best polearm user around." Kaze replies.

Alhaitham ignores him and continues towards the trapdoor, opening it. As soon as the door is fully open a staircase going down is showcased. Taking cautious steps, Alhaitham slowly walks down into the dark underground compartment. Kaze steps down on a rock that was on the staircase and falls forward with a yelp. He closes his eyes preparing to get a concussion but feels hands around his torso instead. "Be careful sweetheart, almost broke a leg" Alhaitham chuckles out. Kaze almost went to heaven from those 7 words alone. "Yeah yeah yeah. Won't happen again." Kaze says rolling his eyes. "Don't worry. I'd always save a cutie like you" Alhaitham winks.

As they both made it to the bottom of the staircase there was a man sitting in a chair, back towards them. "Put your hands where we can see them! You're under arrest for academic dishonesty." As Alhaitham was talking Kaze snuck towards the person in the chair, polearm in hand. "I-I-I I didn't mean to I swear! I just wanted to pass I really didn't know it was against the law!" The person in the chair stood up frantically and turned around.

"Johnathan Baser, any sudden movements and me or my partner won't hesitate to attack." Alhaitham said pulling out his weapon and pointing it at Johnathan. "Listen man I don't want to have to attack you. Just listen to what we say and cooperate" Kaz says. Johnathan takes a step forward with his arms in the air. "Okay I'll listen, just don't hurt me." Alhaitham puts his weapon down and Kaze follows. "Come with us to headquarters so we can interrogate you. If interrogation goes well, your time in prison will shorten." Alhaitham says. Kaze walks up to Johnathan with handcuffs in his hand. He puts the hand cuffs on Johnathan and leads him up the stairs, Alhaitham following. 

Once the 3 of them reach police headquarters Kaze takes Johnathan to the interrogation room while Alhaitham gets his paperwork ready. "I hope this interrogation goes well. I'm already done with today." Alhaitham says to himself, walking towards the interrogation room. Once Alhaitham joins Kaze and Johnathan is the room he sits down and starts asking questions. "I will be the only one asking questions. If my questions aren't answered truthfully my partner Kaze won't hesitate to beat the answers out of you." Johnathan only replies by nodding his head. "Is it true you cheated off of Haliey during the final exam?" Alhaitham asks. "Yes It's true but Hailey wasn't in on it! She's innocent! Don't involve her, please!" Johnathan begs. "She will not be involved I am only asking to confirm if what I heard is true." Kaze moves to sit down next to Johnathan after standing on his feet for too long. Alhaitham askes many more questions before getting to the final question.

"Do you know if anyone else cheated on the finals wi-" Alhaitham gets cut off by alarms going off in the headquarters. "WARNING. WARNING. WARNING." The alarm screams, signaling someone has broken in. "What the hell!" Kaze screams. "Fuck! Stay here with Johnathan while I go see what's going on!" Alhaitham demands running out of the room.

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