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After the long car ride katsuki had fallen asleep and Sero came to a stop and he turned off the car "kiri you think you could be manly today and Carry katsuki in the house" Sero asked as kirishima nodded happily "yes! Of course!" He said as he took off the seatbelt then took off katsukis seatbelt then picked him up and carried him inside and set him on the couch as Sero closed all the car doors and locked it before going inside with kirishima and closed the door behind him "okay kiri go brush your teeth and change before going to sleep because it really late" Sero said ruffling kirishimas hair "well can you dye my hair again in the morning" kirishima asked as Sero smiled "sure I can go buy more dye in the morning" he said as kirishima nodded and he went to do what Sero told him to do
Sero looked at katsuki with a sigh "I hope we can find your owners little guy" he mumbled sitting next to where katsuki was laying
Katsuki curled up a bit and hugged his tail as he slept, Sero thought it was pretty cute and chuckled a bit at the sight, soon kirishima came back with his toothy grin "All done!" He said as Sero smiled at kirishima "okay time for bed so we can look for this guys owner tomorrow" Sero said as kirishima pouted hearing that he had to go to sleep "awwwww...but I'm not tired!" Kirishima said crossing is arms "well to bad kiri it's way to late for you to be up so your going to bed" Mina said as she walked into the same room as Sero and kirishima since her and Sero shared a house for the time being
Kirishima quickly turned to Mina after he heard her "Y-Yes ma'am.." he pouted and started walking to his room as Sero picked up katsuki and took him to kirishimas room as well since he didn't want katsuki to just sleep on the couch

The next morning

Kirishima was the first one awake and he immediately jumped on katsuki with his normal toothy grin "Wake up friend!" He said with a laugh as katsuki was shook awake he froze when he saw kirishima since he had forgotten that he was lost "Get off me! You probably have flees!" He yelled and threw kirishima off of him, kirishima was pushed off the bed and landed on his head but still laughed and smiled "Haha! Your pretty strong!" He said as he got up with sero opening the door to kirishimas room "Okay so kiri go get ready and...katsuki?...Bakugo?..what would you rather go by to make this easier?" Sero said as kirishima ran passed him to go brush his teeth and change "Bakugo" katsuki said blankly as he looked around the room "Okay then, Bakugo let's start searching in the forest where we found you since I'm sure you live close to there right?" Sero asked and katsuki nodded "Your not giving me much to work with Bakugo.." Sero said with a sigh " I don't need to give you anything to work with!" Katsuki hissed at Sero "Uh..yeah you kinda do how else will we find who you belong to?" Mina said as she was behind Sero "right..." katsuki said as kirishima rushed back in the room and put on his red crocs "I'm ready let's go!" He said with the biggest smile ever which made katsuki blush a bit

(They drove to the forest and started searching for katsukis owners)

"Okay do you know where you last saw them maybe something you remember?" Sero asked "I was chasing a rabbit I couldn't really focus on anything besides it" katsuki said as he walked around trying to find a familiar place that he knew of "this is gonna take forever!" Mina said as she didn't have any signal out here

Cliffhanger sorry for not updating for so long!))

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