Secrets Always Reveal Themselves

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

It was today's plan for some sort of beach gathering with everyone. I had gotten to texts from Lance, about everyone meeting up at the beach. I knew Leland would be there, he would never pass up the chance to drink and drool over girls in bikinis. I was not ready to be around him, I don't really know if i would ever be be 'ready'. After the fight at their house party, that I couldn't really remember, I haven't been much in the mood to be around other people. Locking myself away in my room, all wrapped up in blankets not even Lydia or Olivia could pull me out of the slump I was in. I felt extremely guilty that they had to put up with this while they were going through what they were going through but I couldn't help it.

"Okay...Brooke I love you but this is getting pathetic," I heard Lydia say to me as I felt the bed sink as she took a seat on the edge of my bed, grabbing one of my pillows she hits me over the head with it. "I need my bestfriend back and her dragging me out, not the other way around." I groaned. She was right, I wasn't myself lately even my brothers were worried about me which was odd in itself considering they're too busy to even see me half the time. I knew everyone was right, I just had this overwhelming feeling of dread about today like something terrible was going to happen and I didnt understand why. Honestly though, I've been full of dread ever since the other night.

"Just get ready, we are all meeting at the beach house." Olivia chimes in."Fine,give me like 20 minutes then." I responded as I dragged myself out of bed and showered quickly. I changed into a blue bikini with a white lace tank top and some shorts and sandals. I brushed out my hair and pulled it up into a high pony and grabbed my sunglasses, sweater, keys and my wallet. Here goes nothing I guess, as we got too the beach it was already packed with a bunch of Tree Hill High kids, I could already feel myself wanting to crawl back into my hole as we got closer to the crowd of people.

I usually love these kind of things but these past few days just wasn't it for me. I thought to myself well if I was gonna endure this 'get together' or whatever you would call it, I was gonna get drunk and enjoy myself cause you know that was totally a smart idea right? I found my way to the cooler and grabbed a cold bottle of beer and opened it, immediately I started downing it, trying to calm my nerves and distract myself. I tried my best to stay to myself, walking along the water, watching and listening to the waves crashing against the shoreline. " You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself ," I turned too see Lance Keller, my best guy friend, standing next to me. I don't even know when he got here. I glared at him. What a stupid comment.

He playfully nudged me. " Oh you know what i mean Gatina, it's not the end of the world. We both know how big of an asshole Adams can be, you shouldn't be shocked," He said very casually. He wasn't wrong but this was not a conversation I wanted too be having right now or like at all. "Can we not have this conversation, Lance?" I pleaded as I sipped on my beer.

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