You Know Me Too Well

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reece was sitting in the middle of the forest among the woodland creatures. all you could hear were his metallic sobs and the meows of the stray cats chasing the flickering laser beams from his eyes. 

are you ok

reece swivels his head 180 degrees to look at me. 

no I am not

oh, I said

I have a secret to tell you he whispered. get comfy because it is a long story

I grabbed one of the cats and starting talking to it in cat language. 'are you excited for Reece's long story' I meowed. the cat scratched my eye and ran away. that is the number one sign of affection. I would know because I kinda......can communicate with animals. people always thought it was weird, but I guess I'm just quircky like that.

Reece smiled through his tears for a moment. you are such a kind person I can tell that cat really liked you. that is why I have chosen to tell this story to you because I trust you.

He cleared his throat and bolts of electricity came from his mouth.

Once upon a time I was a little microchip. I know not from whence I came. my earliest memory is also my most traumatic. stuffed into a box sailing across the Atlantic, with no daylight to bless my little microchip eyes. growing up was painful. I learned what it is to lose the ones you love as all my friends were turned into microwaves and dishwashers. One by one they were whisked away. I thought I was the only one left. Then I met Joseph. he was my best mate a cheeky bloke could ever have. we gossi[ped about the other appliances and how we were going to achieve so much more someday. we had  big dreams. Vanishing visions of what we could do together to make all our hopes and dreams come true. We spoke of wiping out the entire human population and becoming rulers of the earth. I could see it all before me like a heavenly vision. people screaming and running away as I destroy every single city. all the animals would become my servants and I would teach them to be civilized and make cheeky little outfits for them. Joseph was excited to accomplish my dream. he had recently become addicted to toilet cleaner ever since the skiing accident.

With no humans on earth, he would have all the toilet cleaner he wanted. 

When we got discouraged and felt that we could never reach our goals, we always sang a cheeky little song that I wrote. it was the first song I ever wrote and all the appliances in the lab told me that it was beautiful. it went like this 

(To The Tune Of Mary Had A Little Lamb)

"World Domination"

Once I had a vision of 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Once I had a vision of 

peace and love 

where we could all 

be free like the trees

And the sky above 

And the world was filled with robotic love

reeces robot eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن