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"Charles Francis Spring. You have to eat up. There are people in the world who don't have food." My mom yelled at me. Normally dinner in my house was peace full. I ate as much as I could. And my mom would probably shut up. Except for her weird looks at me. But today was different. I was having i bad day. You know, one of those days where I just know it's gonna be a bad day. One of those days when I don't want to talk to anyone, or eat anything. And today was one of those days. I haven't eaten anything on the plate, and my mom was angry. "Jane you need to chill down a bit." My dad said. She looked angry at him "Julius. He is 16 years old. He has to eat what is on his plate." I could feel tears in my eyes. Tori who sat beside me, took my hand and squeezed it. She is the only one in this family who really understands me. Then a tear spilled down my eye. My mom noticed it "CHARLES. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO TO CRY IN THIS SITUATION." I looked up at her, with more tears streaming down my face. "But mum..." I tried but she slammed her hand in the table. "You are a disgrace for this family. You always have to ruin our nice peaceful dinner, with you crying and complaining about food. You are not the son i trained you to be." God why did she not understand me. Is it really that hard. "Mom i just can't." "CHARLIE COME ON. IT ISN'T THAT HARD. JUST PUT THE DAMN FOOD IN YOU MOUTH." At this point she was screaming at me. I couln't do this anymore. She wouldn't listened to me. I stood up and ran out of the kitchen. "CHARLIE. DON'T RUN AWAY." I didn't listened to her. I could hear hear her run after me. "CHARLIE COME BACK HERE. GOD I WISH YOU HAD NEVER BEEN BORN." I turned around and looked at her. And i could see she regret what she just said. My eyes were burning from all the tears. She wished that i had never been born. Maybe i should just run away. I looked at her one last time, took my shoes one, and ran out of the front door. When i came out, the rain was pouring down, and i didn't bring a jacket. But no way i was going back there. There was only one place I knew were to go. So I just ran. I ran away from that shit whole.


Me and my mom were eating dinner, when a knock came from the door. My mom looked up. "Who could that be. It's dinner time. Will you go open Nicky?" She smiled at me and i nooded. I walked over to the door. I opened it, and there my boyfriend was. Soaking wet, with red puffy eyes. He fell into my arms. He was breathing very fast, so i guessed he had been running. "Char. What's wrong?" I asked, while holding on to him. I didn't care about getting wet. "My mom..." He said while sobbing in to my chest. "Aww Charlie." Charlie and his mom has some problems. They always have arguments, and Charlie usually comes to me when that happens. But this time was different. Jane must have said something that really hurt Charlie. "Nick who is it?" My mom said, stepping into the entrance. When she saw me holding Charlie, she looked worried at him. "Aww Charlie. Nick, why don't you two go upstairs? And give Charlie some dry clothes on." I nooded. "Nick do you want me to bring your food upstairs?" "No it's fine. I'll just eat later." She didn't say anything but just smiled at me. I walked up the stairs with Charlie holding on to my. We got into my room and i found some warm dry clothes to him in my wardrobe. We layed down in bed. "Charlie what did she say to you." He looked at my with his red puffy puppy eyes. "It's just been a bad day. And she got angry at me for not eating my food. She said i was disgrace for the family, and that there was no reason for me to cry and *sob* and then i walked away from the table, and then she just..." Charlie looked into the wall. I hated seeing him in this place "She said she wished i was never born." A tear rolled down Charlies cheek. "Charlie. Did she really say that?" He nooded. "She hates me, and i hate her. I am never going back." I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tight. "But I love you Char. And I am so happy that you were born." He just hold onto my shirt. Then my mom came into the room. "Charlie." Be both sat up. "Your mom called. She guessed you were here." I took Charlie's hand in mine. "Charlie she is very sorry. She didn't what she said." But before Charlie could say anything i bused in "Mum he is not going back there. It's not safe for him." Charlie looked up at me. "I'm scared. I don't want to go back." He whispered. My mom looked at us both. "I already sorted it out. Charlie you can sleep here tonight if that's what you want?" There came a little more hope in Charlie's face "Yeah that would be nice, if that's okay." She smiled "Ofcource Charlie. You are always welcome here." Then she walked out. I looked at Charlie "Do you want to go to bed now." "Yeah that would be nice." "Okay i'll just find the madras and then you can sleep in my bed." Charlie looked at me with a half laugh. "Nick it's fine. You can seep up here with me. Actually that would be much more nicer." I smiled "Okay then." We dot ready for bed and layed down. Charlie was laying into my chest, and i had my hands around him. "Goodnight Char." "Goodnight Nicky." Charlie knew i hated when he called me that. "Oh you little. I hate you." He laughed with his cute little giggle. "Narh. You love me." I held him tighter. "Yeah I love you Charlie Spring." "I love you too Nick Nelson."


Why do my stories always end up with them sleeping??


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