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How could you cheat on me i really loved

Naruto : no hinata baby i loved you its just that you were always busy and never give me any love .

Hinata: first din't call me baby . Second i was busy cause i was planning on buying you a gift for your birthday next week .

Naruto : sorry i just really wanted to do stuff but you were never around and its not my fault that your no as successful as me .

Hinata ; I Was not successful cause i never finished my class cause i chased after you . You know what you gave me a idea im going to finish my studies ad go back to my clan and become the heiress again they said there always willing to take me back .

Naruto : i thought you said you hated school and hated the thought of being a leader ?

Hinata : i only said that to please you but guess what i lied so im leaving and im going back home bye have a good life.

She slammed the door and walked out she went to her friend tentens house and told her everything. Tenten said naruto is a waste of time . So hinata stayed the night and she had called her father everything he said he ad been waiting for you this call I'll prepare your room . And in the morning she was off to her house .

Two days later

Hinata : Today im am restarting school i have to do my last year and finish my collage . But so far my life is okay still fixing my self  from my breakup. But other than that im fine.

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