Noah X Micheal X fredrick // VERS. 1

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[Bonnie mask, Chica mask, Foxybro, freddy mask = Fnaf 4 tormentors, yes the ones that bullied and unintentionally murdered c.c]
So how this ship goes:
'Noah' likes Micheal.
'Fredrick' also likes Micheal.
Micheal doesn't like anyone, instead he is confused for some odd [F] reason.
Then Noah and Fredrick end up fighting and blah blah blah. Terrible ship if you ask me! And Micheal just stands there and is very- I mean extremely confused. *bracket time lol*
(doesn't seem like Micheal, maybe that isn't actually Micheal, I mean, Micheal would probably be laughing to death.)
And yea. That's the entire ship.
So.. I'm gonna rate this a -3/10.
Because I hate it. I don't want to explain why because you probably know already or have a tiny idea on why I hate it.
Have some useless character info :)

Noah = Character created by the fandom. Noah is apparently the soul of ennard. When he is shipped, his past self (when he was a teenager) is most likely the age people make him - when he is shipped.

Micheal = oldest afton, son of William afton // purple guy. Micheal Is a real character. He is one of the fnaf 4 tormentors, he is foxy mask aka foxybro.

Fredrick = Name is created by the fandom. Fredrick's Canon self is freddy mask, one of the tormentors. Fredrick never really had a name, so the fandom just came up with one. And the closest was Fredrick.

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