the first and last chapter

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Raine Taylor awoke from their nap, tired. Even if they just took a 13-year nap. Why did they take a 13-year nap, you may wonder. The reason is stupid: I didn't want to write a big backstory thing.

"Oh no!" Raine said, sitting up. "I need to buy mac n' cheese!"

You see, Raine's friend Carter was equally stupid (affectionate) and often needed to be reminded to eat. However, they were out of food. So Raine had to go buy mac n' cheese.

"Carter," Raine called. "I'm going out." Their voice echoed through the treehouse, which looked like it was going to fall apart any second. Carter poked his head through the "skyroof", which was actually just a hole in the ceiling the pair were too lazy to fix.

"Okay. Don't forget the dino chicken nuggies and the choccy milk!" Carter reminded Raine cheerfully. There was an underlying threat. Raine forgot the dino chicken nuggies once... and the "skyroof" was created from Carter's anger. From that day on, Carter was good at reminding Raine of things. He still forgot stuff himself though.

Raine walked down the stairs (because treehouses always have stairs) and into the nearest Costco's parking lot, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car. In the driver's defense, how could they know a random emo teenager would clip through time and space into a Costco's parking lot?

Anyways, Raine grabbed a cart and headed in, immediately forgetting what they were supposed to buy. Oh right, choccy milk and...? They couldn't remember. Oh well, it would come to them eventually.

When Raine walked into the dairy section, a middle-aged white lady with unnaturally straight blonde ear-length hair started screaming. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING???" she shrieked.

Raine looked down at themself. Their outfit was just an oversized gray sweater over black shorts and black converses. Nothing was wrong. With this in mind, Raine walked around the lady and grabbed some choccy milk. That was one thing off the checklist.

"I NEED TO SEE YOUR MANAGER!!!!!!!" the lady yelled. She was hurting Raine's ears, so they made for the exit of the dairy section. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING????" The lady grabbed Raine's arm roughly. Now annoyed, Raine shook their arm free. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!"

Quickly pushing their cart away, Raine left for the frozen foods section, where they would find both the dino chicken nuggies and the mac n' cheese, even if macaroni technically isn't a frozen food. While they were looking for Freddy Fazbear's Epic And Non-Toxic Fandom Dino Chicken Nuggies, a cashier came up to Raine.

"Hello, is there anything you would like?" The cashier asked. He looked like the infamous cashier from Roblox, but kinda realistic. Raine thought he was ugly.

"Do you know where Freddy Fazbear's Epic And Non-Toxic Fandom Dino Chicken Nuggies are?" Raine inquired. Man, it was getting late. Almost 6:00 AM!

"Oh, I'm sorry. We only have that brand from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. It was just taken off the shelves," The cashier said, shaking his head in sympathy.

"Well, my friend will break a hole in the roof, but it's okay I guess." Raine responded, grabbing a Generic Brand Dino Chicken Nuggie pack instead. Mac n' cheese time. Raine strolled off to a different part of the frozen foods section when they heard music. How bizarre, they thought absentmindedly.

"WRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY," a voice shrieked. Raine knew that sound, and was not going to get involved in another weird anime reference. But before they knew it, a really tall vampire-looking guy was thrown into the section Raine was lurking in. Seeing his weird highlighter outfit only confirmed their suspicions. "Nope!" Raine yelled and committed a Secret Joestar Technique.

Safely out of danger, Raine grabbed the closest and best-looking mac n' cheese box. Velveeta, perfect. It was time to leave, since it was already 7:30. Too much of the morning had been spent on the little shopping trip.

"Excuse me, could you help me read this?" An old man wearing a leopard-spots hat walked over to Raine. Not again! They thought. Would they keep on encountering characters from Parts 456? Who would know!? (Me: *cough cough*) A girl with green and black hair appeared out of nowhere and patted the old man's shoulder comfortingly.

"Oi Jiji, I'm over here." She said, looking at Raine, her eyes narrowing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," Raine said, backing away warily. Meanwhile, piano music played ominously. Our dearly despised protagonist decided to head to the cashier section of the Costco. This was certainly turning into an unusual escapade.

"Hello, please put your items on the conveyor and have your money ready," said the cashier. He was the same one who helped Raine earlier. The elf followed the instructions and when the mac n' cheese, the Generic Brand Dino Chicken Nuggies, and the choccy milk were all ready to go, Raine saw it. An arrow with an intricate golden head and a wooden shaft. Raine threw it behind themself and heard an "ow" sound.

suddenly everyone died the end i don't wanna write this i just want it to be published

raine goes to the storeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن