First Date

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Tony Stark

For your first date Tony took you to a fancy restaurant and to the zoo where he had bought you a small baby f/a after you expressed your love for them (despite your, the zoo keepers and the cop who pulled you over on the drive homes protests)

Clint Barton

For your fist date you took Clint on a hike through the forest surrounding your cabin and then cooked him a home made meal.

Thor Odinson

Thor took you to Asgard to meet 5he Warriors three and then showed you around the kingdom.

Bruce Banner

For your first date Bruce and You had decided to just stay in and cuddle while watching every single Disney movie in existence starting with y/f/d/m (your favourite Disney movie) which happened to be Bruce's favourite aswell.

Steve Rogers

Steve took you to the movie for your first date you saw f/m and ate popcorn together.

Natasha Romanoff

Nat took you to a ballet show for your first date hoping you would also enjoy one of her interests aswell.

Loki Friggason

For your first Misgardian date Loki took you on a tour of New York which included icecream, movies, pan flaps (If you understand this your my new favourite person) and 2 minute noodles to which you enjoyed all very much.

Bucky Barnes

Bucky took you dancing for your first date.
He had recently found an amazing old style bar with Steve and that's where he took you for your first date. You had really enjoyed it more than you thought plus Bucky was a complete gentlemen the entire time.

Sam Wilson

Sam took you to a f/m/a (favourite music artists) concert even tho he had never heard of the person before he seemed to enjoy the music but you had all his focus.

Scott Lang

The next day Scott had picked you up on time and taken you to the beach for surfing lessons. You took up the skill relatively easily whereas Scott...well let's just say your date ended in the emergency room.

Yelena Belova

Yelena took you on a camping trip for your first date. You were surprised at first to realise it was one of the many things she enjoyed doing but went along and had an amazing time.

Kate Bishop

You took Kate to an Archery tournament for your first date knowing just like your father the young women had a certain fascination for the sport.

Peter Parker

You took Peter Ice skating on your first date. Which he was surprisingly amazing at and after you went to get milkshakes.

Wanda Maximoff

Wanda decided to take you to an escape room for your first date. Which her twin brother Pietro joined in (without either of your permission.)

Pietro Maximoff

Pietro decided to take you to his secret underground weekly rap battles. To which you found put his secret passion....rapping if that wasnt clear.

Stephan Strange

After felling extremely bad for being so rude to you when wong set the pair of you up Strange decided to take you to a party that his frienemey Tony Stark was throwing. At first you where sceptical but as the night progressed you both started to really enjoy yourselves and eve ended up dancing together.


For your first date T'challa took you to the different kingdoms around Wakanda introducing you to the different King and Queens. At first you where nervous but by the second kingdom you began to really enjoy your self.


Science fair. That was where Shuri and your first date was you had a school science fair to go to and she had never been to one before so you offered to take her.

Peter Quill

Peter took you to a club for your first date. He was a....gentlemenish he did end up knocking a guy out for offering you a was the bartender but in Quills defence he was already extremely drunk.

Ok so I started with just the original 6 and it wasn't even 300 words so I i added the troublesome four and that didn't do much sadly so I added more people. What do you think? Should I go back to like 100-200 words for each person or keep it short and simple?

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