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There sounds of feet running, breathes were audible, and tears were fallings. A hot pink colour was being splutter and this person, this human was shedding tears as he heard sounds of humming. He turned a corner, put a hand over their mouth, and prayed.

Prayed for a saviour, for a hero. They wanted to be anywhere but here, they opened their eyes, little but little till they heard nothing. Blood was pumping from the heart up, adrenaline boasting their hearing, their senses to inhumane destinations.

Looking around, they were looking around, searching for the thing that made those hums. Those noises that were causing them to bleed a hot pink colour; their blood. Eyes were searching everywhere, they were! They swore! But they failed to look up. When the eyes of their dreams looked down at them, tears where fallen, a silent scream echoed the alleyway, and before they could finish their prayer.

Their body dropped dead.

A thin clean line sliced their body in happy, having organs, intestines fall to the grow and pool in a pink hue. The humming noise, a toxic green, that had hanafuda earrings twirled their weapon around, cleaning off the blood that was around it. And smiled. They smiled. The person who cut a person in half just smiled at their creation.

Their beautiful creation.

And like it never happened they hopped once and twice till they were up in the air, humming as they let an annoying noise caused by steel and ground to cause fear to the inhabitants of the buildings around. Kids cried, parents prayed, a lot of shit was just so wrong to be happening now. And whoever was the victim...

Whoever was the one killed by them; the people inside couldn't do anything but just hope they find redemption in the afterlife because he did not kill for ransom. No, whoever it was did something. Did something to anger them, annoy them. Something so wrong it was frown upon by not just him, but the people, after learning the whole truth.

It was shameful. Yes, to believe a villain - vigilante - after a gruesome death but what did they have? Cross his path? Believe the heroes will stop this pattern of hate? Death? Gore? No one could, no one can. It was lost end that no one could stop because just thinking of it, just thinking of the villain was a core no one could ever move on. After all, it was in the gray sections where his kill become more common.

More usually. No one can stop him because where they live, no one will turn an eye. No one will ever call because that's just life for them. That's just how it is. Children could cry, people will scream, that's how their life have been, and when a women's door was kicked in she cried. Her child in hand as they looked at the scythe.

At the weapon that was carrying a pink hue of blood as she eyed it. As she eyed the murder that would soon end her miserable life. She shut her eyes, holding her baby close to her chest, tears were falling, her breath was hic-upping. "No, no... please! I have done nothing! Nothing I say... please let me live! What will my son do? What will he do!"

She was shaking, her baby boy was sleeping, peacefully mind you, and she was looking at the beast that knocked her door down with inhumane strength. 'This was it. This was it.' She thought, her life was bad, everything up to this point was a struggle after another. Life was not kind to her, no one is, but she pushed through because she had one thing to life on for; her son.

Her two-year-old son.

The intruder looked at her, blood stained his body, weapon even, but that was his norm. He was dripping in blood, and he just looked at her fear, smiling even. He kneels down, looking at her as he dropping a bad of money in front of her. Not just that but a decapitated head too, rolling down right next to her feet.

She looked sick, and she was shaking her head. It was of a man, a cruel man that she put heart into. Her ex-husband, dead to the world after... crossing fates with this thing. This monster. She would've screamed; she wanted to scream so badly but the finger of the monster. Of this inhuman being put a finger right on her lips, shutting it for good.

"Now, now don't scream your son wouldn't want to be awake seeing his father in the making, right? A little bird told me of this man's crime and after leading me here, I decided, why not be kind to his beautiful wife, am I right? He won't harm you anymore, and you will not need to worry about it later on, don't worry Ms. Look after your son, will you?"

"These parts aren't kind. And neither am I."

The monster turned his back on the lady, taking the head with him after scaring the small family, he closed the door, the door he knocked down. And just walked away, traumatizing the wife of this bastard. Humming as he walked out, turning around and threw the head out in the streets to a passing car. Splattering blood to the streets that were never kind to the different.

He smiled, hearing ruckus as the driver got out and turned to him. Yelling at him for messing up his car; the world is never kind, and neither was he. Raising the now noticeable scythe in his hand the man stopped, eyes popping out of their socket as they looked at it. At the monster in the making. He ran but not fast enough. And killed a man out in the streets.

He was cruel as the world was to him; he was kind to the people who needed it. His kindness however, was out of this world. Not many had it inside him to earn that sweet treat. And to those who had? Well, as kind as it was in his eyes, it was terrifying to the victims that watched their backs as he overlooked the grey section. Yes, there are many things messed up with him.

The monster - the villain - the vigilante but he had fun with this, with this world that was never kind to him. To people like him. And he took it with stride, with laughter as people prayed to gods, cried for their failures, worked to be kind, and fear. The thing that had people to strive for good. For a luck in the world that called this madness.

His madness.

He just enjoys watching as people who are wrong, cry at night when they watch the thing in their dreams yell at him. At their survival. It was the lucky who get to live. And he? The thing with a scythe in hand to carry out that call as people who are coward in fear move for the better. For the future where this nightmare will end.

He will have fun. He will carry out that goal till it is noticed. Noticed by the public, by the heroes who wrong the society they live in, rigged it to their means. He will have fun and carry out this bloody goal to the bitter end. Whether he loses it or not? It is just has to be fun seeing this fear control so many! Fun! Fun! FUN!

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