Um.. who's this?

10 0 0

I was so excited and exhausted at the same time. We stayed up til 3 am playing horror games on Roblox.

The next morning, we met up at school. Allie arrived in her fancy limo, which awed everyone, Anne arrived with her skateboard which made most of the girls and boys go mad and over heels with her "mysterious" look, and Perla arrived in a white jeep, driven by her hot older brother. All of my friends arrived amazingly, causing an amazing scene. But since I have an over protective mother, she dropped me off in her hand-me-down car. *god can she been even more annoying* "再见宝贝!别忘了和好心的朋友分享你的香菜饺子汤!记住,妈妈爱你" (translation: bye darling! dont forget to share your parsley dumpling soup with your kind friends! remember, mommy loves you!)

We walked up the the double doors and walked to our lockers, which were all in the same spot by the water fountain on the gym's hall. "Can anyone else NOT believe Bao's mom let her play an ONLINE game?" Allie gossiped. "LOL yeah b, how'd you do it?"Perla asked, adding highlight into the corner of her eye. "Oh uh.. I don't know.. I-" "I guess her charm did it.." Someone said, before chuckling lightly. I didn't bother turning around, therefore I had already recongized the voice after seeing Allie cross her arms, Anne scrunch up her face, and Perla roll her eyes. "Please, talk to me Bao... I'm smelt your mom's soup from a mile away! I miss you and your family." Trisha pleaded. My eyes filled up with sorrow, as I was a pushover, but Anne took one look at me and know I was about to forgive her. "She's not interested, should've thought about that when you cheated on her with some new girl." Anne then pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed quietly. "Get out of here!"Allie yelled, snapping a finger in her face.

When I got home, I hung up my book bag and changed into a red dress. I plopped on my bed with my mac and continued to explore Roblox. I looked up to the buddy icon to see someone added me. " sugawugadaddy83?" I ask myself. I accepted the request only to find them reply fast.




"uh..who's this? Do I know you?"


"Nah, but I would like to be friends:)"


"Ohh.. okay, my name is Bao."


"Mine is Henderson:D"

Me and Henderson talked for hours and hours, Allie tried to play roblox with me but I told her I was busy and brushed her off coldly. Henderson was so interesting. I told him my favorite colors and my grade. He asked if I was virgin and I replied with a simple "yes". "Do you want me to steal your virginity?" He asked. I didn't know how to respond so I replied with "Yes." He told me I was a good girl and I told him I have to go rest, which was a lie, I just didn't feel very comfortable in that situation.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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