Top or Bottom

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"Top or bottom?"

Chan groaned, setting his glass down on the bar behind him. The music was almost too loud to hear Minho's question, but he'd heard it clearly enough to fake annoyance. They'd been playing this game for almost a year now. As Chan was strictly a top and Minho was strictly a bottom, they decided to pick out an ambiguous target at the clubs they frequented. The goal was to 'win' by taking the stranger home. That would be decided as they sandwiched the stranger between their bodies and worked to entice him before finally asking if he'd rather top or bottom for the night. Whoever won got to take their prize home. They'd always stayed relatively even, but Minho was now up three. He couldn't let that stand.

"Do you have a target already," he asked instead of directly answering. As he turned to his best friend, he took in his purple hair, tight jeans, and white button up that opened just enough to show off his collarbones. The sleeves were rolled to show off his ridiculously veiny forearms and hands. It was almost inexplicable how attractive it was to everyone, including Chan. Minho was beautiful and it wasn't really a surprise that he was ahead of Chan in points. Not that he was unattractive, he just had his own qualities that were vastly different from the man casually perusing the crowd next to him.

Chan's hair was currently bleached blonde and a little messy. He filled out his black t-shirt and jeans to the point of the seams probably screaming for relief. All his hard work in the gym had really been paying off and he always noticed the wayward glances his way whenever he was in these types of settings.

"There," Minho pointed to a man dancing in the crowd that was so obviously a top, he immediately vetoed it. They both had to agree that a target was truly ambiguous for it to work. This went on for almost half an hour, both giving out vetoes to the other's choices.

Chan was tempted to just give up before Minho lit up like he'd won the lottery. Following his gaze, he immediately knew who he was watching. The man was slender, but his arms were defined. It was such a contrast to his impossibly tiny waist. His leather pants and boots made his long legs look almost too enticing and his damn shirt. It was see-through and teased them with the just visible abs underneath. As for the man's face, he was clearly attractive. With rounded cheeks and big eyes that were looking around the room as he found the rhythm of the current song. His dark hair was moving along with his hips.

He locked eyes with Minho, and both were on their feet within a minute, heading towards the stranger. Chan immediately wrapped his hands around that slim waist, pulling the lithe body against him as he matched his hips' movements. Minho slid in front of the man, throwing his arms around his neck and giving a lethal grin. For the man's credit, he didn't even pause his movement for a moment. Instead, he returned Minho's smile and then turned to look at Chan in greeting, pressing his ass back to make contact with him. And what an ass he had. They matched the beat of the song blasting around them, slowly entwining themselves with the man as they moved together. At one point, Minho had turned around and started to grind back against him. Hands tactically explored each other.

Chan hadn't paid attention to how many songs played before Minho turned back around and leaned towards the man's ear. Chan instinctually leaned forward to hear. It was time. "So, pretty boy. Are you a top or bottom?" Chan held his breath. It had been forever since he'd met such a sexy man and he was dying to bury his cock in his supple ass.

"Both," the man easily replied with a smile. Chan saw Minho's eyes immediately lock with his own, a silent conversation started. They'd never run into this before. Sure, verses weren't uncommon, but most men came to the club with a specific goal in mind. Wanting to either top or bottom.

He was momentarily pulled from their staring when he felt the man slip from between them. "I'm going to go close my tab real quick. I'll be right back." Without another word, he disappeared into the crowd in the direction of the bar.

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