I got her

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POV Adrien:

It was a long day, and a bad day also. I lost 13 of my friends. I lost my childhood friend Chloe, I lost my cousin, even if they aren't that cheerful, but they were dear to me

The murders are finally over. Still just one day now and we will be in shanghai. I spent my past days investigating about everything once Marinette sleep. I thought I will have fun with my wife, with my friends, but I had my friends on my autopsy table. The feeling that every doctor hate, I felt it.

Some of them had a bad death, and I know that they deserve punishment, but not death. No one deserve to die. Absolutely no one because life is precious

There was a lot of blood, ad lot of death, bomb, poisoning and I was about to lost my wife. what happened, can be a story. A horror story.

I was looking at the ceiling and Marinette is sleeping peacefully on my chest. a thousand question is in my mind, and I need answers. I need to know who killed 13 persons without pity, who was thirsty for blood the way he killed 13 like no one killed before.

I looked at the books, the diaries of the 13 dead people. I got up quietly without making any noise and got the first diary. I took a sit on the armchair and lit the lamp next to me. I looked at Mari to be sure she is still sleeping with the light but it was good.

I don't read usually all the diary but the parts of 13 years ago.

I had a question before, why this killer waited 13 years to kill 13 persons. Is it a coincidence or what?

I checked the diary that I got and it was Chloe's diary. I checked if I can find about 2009 and bingo, I found an interesting thing written

"August 5th, 2009

Dear diary, I'm a bully and I do pranks, and I like doing that.

There are three girls that I always bully them in my class and I like doing that, but I never thought that one of my pranks could kill

I had known that one of those three is allergic to the cinnamon, so one day, me, her, Nathaniel, Alix, Juleka and max went to the restaurant for dinner together, when she left to get some napkins, and no one was looking, I put a lot of cinnamon in her salad and in her soup

When she comes back and ate from it, she was coughing. She had a blockage in her bronchioles that she couldn't breathe.

I worried and I was afraid that someone know, but her eyes that time were opened and looking at me while she was almost dying

I made a mistake that's true, and I couldn't even tell her that I'm sorry.

Whenever I try to apologize, something blocks me.

Whatever, good night"

I put Chloe's diary and I left the room and went to Luka's room. I knocked and he opened after minutes, with half eyes closed

Luka: what? They didn't learn you that you don't disturb someone at 2am? because this fuckin person can be downloading a dream while he is sleeping?

Adrien: I need your help and I'm serious?

Luka (while yawning): can't wait till tomorrow?

Adrien: no, we should find her Luka and I need you

Luka: fine come in.

He moved back to let me. he was just in his boxer; I can make some fun of him like he does, right? I took a sit on his bed as I was wearing sweatpants and I was shirtless

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