Ep 2

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After rose living at the krew's house for 17 years rose finally turned 20 rose wa grown insecure of herself cause of the bullying and suffering but she will be fine with the other gods

One day rose asked shinji "shinji may i ask do i look ugly" shinji stayed quite "ofcourse not dear rose you look Beautiful than a beauty queen itself" rainbow replied rose looked kinda down and sad "i wanna keep wearing this mask forever but if i want to make friends i have to show my real face or they will not like me anymore" rose said , shinji replied "you dont have to take of your mask so people can love you be yourself and make yourself comfortable my mother always said that to me and i always listened to my mother and it worked i became the person that i love i can control myself you dont need people to control you for who you wanna be you don't need to listen to them" "but im scared of humanity and people im not used to all of this you dont understand anything about me you dont even know what happende to my mother or my father i bet they dont even love me" rose said "oh rose thats not true your parents love you" shinji said "then if they love me why do they leave me" rose ask shinji replied with "well sometimes if you love somebody it will starts to hurt even more once you noticed they're gone , but don't worry they will always stick by ur side forever and ever rose" "the person who gave me this necklace was my mothers the necklace your wearing is your mothers rose" rose looked shoked as if she seen a ghost but she was about to cry and thats where shinji took off rose mask and starting wiping her tears "sorry rose that i didn't tell you about this your mother gave you to an orphanage Because the day you were born the day after that was the war of one god which god teams win will be the only god controlling the humans but to bad that war was a tie half of the other gods died and my mother i mean your mothers god team also died half people was injured or even die thats why your mother gave you to adoption cause she was the leader of the one god every single leader of the god has to die once they fought on the battle even if they didn't got injured they will dissapear forever and if they have a kid or any relatives they will be choosen to be the next god of angels and demons and your mother was an leader she was half angel and demon but ofcourse once every leader of the one go turned 20 or 30 they will die well im not a god so i dont die i will live forever until i turned 80 but i will still look young tho" rose replied " no wonder your 30 but you still look young im impressed tho"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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