2: Roots And Reminders (rewritten)

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(Rewritten: 13 October 2024)


After school, Travis dropped me off at home- Hazel was still stuck in meetings at school.

It felt strange to be back after four days. I had been crashing at Hazel's place ever since her seventeenth birthday, for no particular reason.

As I stepped through the gate, I took a deep breath, taking in the sight of my house. It wasn't anything grand, but it was home. Cozy, a little worn around the edges, but filled with memories. I'd lived here my whole life, and every inch of it felt familiar.

The small front porch where I'd spent countless summer evenings, the squeaky gate that always needed fixing but somehow never got around to it, and the garden that was- it was well kept. Mom loved gardening. Speaking of mom- I noticed her car was in the garage that meant she was at home. And not at work. Strange.

Passing by the garage, I also noticed another thing. I mean it wasn't hard to notice her.


My bike.

Yolo was... my first baby. Yes, that would be the right thing to describe her. I've had her for 3 years now.

It was at a local fair when I first met her. My old one had completely given out after a pretty nasty accident, thanks to its worn-out tires. I knew it wasn't safe to ride, but I took it out anyway, and well, that ended in disaster.

So, there I was, on the hunt for a new bike when I stumbled upon a small bike shop set up at the fair. They had all kinds of bikes, ranging from high-end models to simple, everyday rides. Then, tucked away at the back, I saw her.

The shopkeeper told me she had been sitting there for ages because no one wanted to buy her. She wasn't flashy, not expensive either.

So, I bought her. And from that moment on, we have been inseparable.

Once I brought her home, I gave her a complete makeover. I bought some paint, changed out the old, beat-up tires, and it was all set to go.

Naming her wasn't difficult either. Yolo- You Only Live Once. It wasn't just a name. It was how I lived my life. I mean, we have only got this one shot, right? Why hold back? Why get stuck in fear or indecision when we don't know if we will even be here tomorrow? The way I see it, overthinking kills the fun and the adventure. If there is something you want to do, you go for it. No second-guessing, no regrets. Just dive in and see what happens.

But anyway, enough with the motivational speech- back to Yolo. I rode her everywhere. On days when she was being her usual stubborn self because let's be real, she malfunctions more often than not- Hazel gives me a ride.

Yolo had a habit of breaking down, usually at the worst times and I hated spending my wages on constant repairs. But I couldn't bring myself to sell her. It was like we were stuck with each other. She might not be the most reliable, but she was mine, and that was enough.

I made my towards the door and unlocked it. Kicking out my shoes, I made my way to the kitchen to grab my bottle of sprite when I noticed another figure.

Julie Elrod, A.K.A my mother, one of the strongest woman I knew in my life... had tears on her eyes.

"Mom?" I called her in a concerned voice.

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