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~Grier's POV~

I never would've expected my life to turn out like this. I'm not complaining about it, I'd rather live like this. . . putting my life on the line, living risky and taking chances of my freedom being taken away from me than to live inside a box with a boring cliche life.

But with Liam and my best friends by my side it makes this whole adventure even better.

We were once a group of pubescent teenagers stealing small stuff like snacks and shit from convenient stores.

I don't know what triggered the abrupt change in our system... in our routine but I'm more than glad it happened.

It's fun when the adrenaline courses through your veins and your heart pumps faster when you get away with another crime.

I like laughing at the tv when the authorities think they're so close to catching the modern day "Bonnie & Clyde"

We're precise with our work. Everyone isn't exactly sure who they're looking for yet. Though my father sure does. He's the one leading the searches.

He's been trying to catch us for a while now.

But like I tell him all the time when I call from a payphone.

We're too good at this to get caught. . .

But sometimes even the greatest things come to a terrible end.

I sure as hell won't allow that to happen.

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