The Favor

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"Sure mom, what is it?"

"So, you know how your dad and I aren't on the best terms? Well, I finally met someone! He's from work and he's really nice. I think you and Blake would really like him. So, I'm going to hang out at his place for the weekend. So could you watch Blake till then? You can have friends over but you can't go to their places okay?"

"Oh okay. Are you leaving right now?"

"No, I'm going to leave after I tuck Blake into bed. I have my stuff packed already. I was hoping you could tell him why I'm gone tomorrow. Hope that's not too much trouble."

"Oh okay, we'll I hope you enjoy your trip. Don't worry about a thing. I have everything under control."

"Great! See you Monday honey. Goodnight." Mom said as she kissed me on the cheek. Then, she proceeded to walk out of my room and closed the door.

Great. Now I have more on my plate, like I don't already have enough. But then again, this may not be such a bad thing. I can sneak into moms room and see what she has in there. I know it sounds wrong, but I've never been in there and that's where mom keeps all her secrets.

Maybe I can finally clear up my suspicions and tell myself I was only imagining things and your overreacting. Yeah, good plan.

I waited 10 minutes after Mom had left my room, I could hear her saying goodnight to Blake and slowly closing his door. Then, she left downstairs and left, locking the door behind her.

Slowly after, I hear a knock on my door. "Dede, you awake?"

"Yeah. Come in."

He slowly opened the door and quietly closed it behind him. He then walked over over to my bed and sat down, looking slightly worried.

"What's wrong Blake? Are you not tired?" I asked confused.

"I-I'm scared Dede. What if something happens and I can't do anything? What if-"

I put my hand on his shoulder and said calmly, "It's okay. Whatever happens, happens. But we will make it through this. We have today, tomorrow and the weekend. If we can figure something by then, we'll be all set. Trust me, everything will be fine."

He gave me a small nod, and got under the covers. I do the same, and I turn off my desk lamp.

"Goodnight Blake."

"Night Dede"

And then we both drifted off to sleep. 

Suddenly, I feel my whole body being shaken by my bro, who is crying, and has a panicked look in his eyes. Darkness filled my room, slowly coming closer and closer to us.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"I saw mom. She killed you! She-she AHHHHHHH-"

"BLAKE NO!" I screamed while I saw my brother getting dragged into the darkness by a tall, black figure who was staring directly into my eyes.

I stared back in terror as my brother screams filled the room, filled my head and just took up everything. I couldn't move, all I did was stare as the figure got closer and closer and-

"DEDE WAKE UP" Blake yelled in my ear, scaring the crap out of me.

"AHH!-what happened? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, but it's time to get up for school now. I kept trying to wake you up but you wouldn't budge so I just let you sleep. Now get up."

"Oh thank god. Hey, did you sleep good? Any nightmares?"

"No, surprisingly. But, we don't have time to talk about this right now, you need to hurry and get dressed do you can take me to school."

I nod as I quickly get up and rush to the bathroom to start my morning routine. I then scurry back into my room, and put on a white polo, a black skirt, and some sneakers. I then put my hair in a quick messy ponytail, grab my backpack and speed down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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