Chapter 9

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"Because that wasn't him..."

"What? Yes, it fucking was. I saw him making out with her!"

"Lycia, it technically was him, but a side of him no one knew existed until right about now." My dad walks over to him and helps him up then hands him his clothes. I watch him slowly put his blood-stained clothes back on. "I still don't understand. What is his other side?"

"A demon." I quickly look over, just as he begins to heal. His eyes flash pure black at me, and an evil smirk comes across his face. "Remember me, Lycia?"

"Lucas." I cross my arms in front of my chest as he steps closer and closer to me. "It's been quite a while since we last talked."

"What have you been up to since we last 'talked.'" He puts air quotes around the last word. The last time interacted was not necessarily only talking.

"There wasn't much talking last time, as far as I remember."


The body Lucas is in is newer than the first time we ever met. It's now a dark-brown-haired boy with beautiful green eyes, about average height for an adult male. He looks to be about in his early twenties with a button nose to top it all off.

He's hovering over me, hands placed on the ground on either side of my head, grinning wide too. I match his expression, keeping him distracted as I wrap my legs tight around his hips, flipping him over onto his back, on the ground. I take off outside the large, abandoned mall that we're in. I'm now on the top floor, close to the roof of the three-story mall. I lie in wait, hearing him not even getting close to where I am. Making my way up to the not-so-sturdy roof, I stay as quiet as possible walking around atop it.

The fresh air smells so nice tonight. It reminds me of times I used to spend in abandoned places like this. There are so many stories untold that happened at places like this, so many secrets that they hide. I just want to uncover them and tell the world all about them. Just as I am about to lie back on the roof, someone sweeps me up, shoving me against the wall with so much force the concrete breaks up a bit behind my head.

"Got you!" He smirks with a 'Joker-type' smirk

"Now that you got me, what do you want to do with me, Lucas?" I bat my eyes at him, acting unknowing and innocent.

He turns me around, keeping me flush against the wall. My head is turned to the side as he rips off all of my clothing, especially my intimates. He undoes his pants, taking them off just as quickly as he tore off mine. The clothes, now in tatters on the unstable, cold concrete floor, are kicked away. He yanks my hair back harder and harder each time he thrusts his hips. I look back, watching and listening to him grunting and moaning. 

He steps away after a few more thrusts, grabbing his clothes are not torn up to shreds like mine are. I steal his shirt and slip it on, so I at least have something to wear outside this place. I hear some explorers walking around on the first floor. I smirk at Lucas and take off down to the first floor. The explorers seem frightened just walking in here in the middle of the night. Lucas knows what I am up to, so he started to throw stuff around and whisper to make their hearts race even more than before. When a boy, who looks to be in his late twenties, is by himself, I snatch him up. My hand is covering his mouth, so he can't make a sound to warn the others of me or Lucas.

His heart is beating so fast that I cannot take it anymore, I yank his head to the side and sink my teeth in. He tastes like he's been drinking, but it just makes the blood taste even better.  Once his heartbeat slows down, I let his body drop to the floor, near the door they came in initially. I run back over to where the rest of the explorers are and intentionally mess with them to get their hearts racing. Fear sweetens the blood, so that's why most of my kind like to mess with our prey. It's fun and ends up being tasty for us.

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