Magical Stories Part 1

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After the crazy danger on Geonosis, Anakin and the other Jedi thought it best to send Gabby back home until they were done with Geonosis. Of course, Gabby was reluctant. But that had been perhaps the most dangerous mission she would ever encounter during the Clone Wars, and she definitely needed a break. But, Carousella would likely have been needed. After the way she helped Master Mundi avoid what could have been a horrible disaster with the caves and found a safer path for them, they decided it best to keep a horse on the team. They would surely ask Queen Reigna she could spare any other guards who would be willing to join the cause. But for now, Gabby was brought back to the Temple.

Luckily, they contacted the Temple ahead of time, and made sure Gabby had a babysitter. It was nighttime by the time Gabby arrived, and she was already pretty tired after the long ride home.

Master Plo Koon met Gabby at the ship she arrived in.

"Hi, Uncle Plo." Gabby said, running into the Kel Dor's arms.

"Hello, little one." Plo greeted. "Did you have an exciting journey?"

"Always." Gabby said, before rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"I see someone has become tired." Plo chuckled. "That is appropriate, given it is already bedtime for you."

Master Plo helped Gabby get ready for bed. He gave her a bath, helped her into her PJ's, made sure she brushed her teeth properly, then he read her a story and tucked her in. But, Gabby couldn't sleep. So, she went over to her bookshelf and looked at the book Master Plo read her. "Stellaluna," one of her favorite stories about a little bat who got adopted by a family of birds after getting separated from her mother when an owl attacked. Gabby couldn't help feeling so sad when Stellaluna lost her mom, but also very happy when they reunited. She couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose either of her parents like that. Right now, she hoped her father would make it out of battle okay.

"You know, Stellaluna?" Gabby told the picture of the bat as if it would answer. "Sometimes I wish I had siblings to keep me company. Being the only kid is nice and all, but it gets lonely when Mommy and Daddy aren't around. Sometimes I wish I could open a book and you or my favorite characters would come to life. Or, I could just jump into the story whenever I got bored."

That was when Gabby suddenly felt thirsty and stepped out of her room, only to see how dark it was. She'd never left her room in the middle of the night before, so she'd never seen how dark and scary the halls looked at night. She gulped, then she grabbed Teddy and started to go down the hall.

"It's okay, Teddy." Gabby whispered. "It's just a little dark."

Gabby wanted to use her fire power to make some light, but she'd been warned not to use it indoors, especially near anything flammable until she'd completely mastered it. So, Gabby had to rely on her other senses to get through, and the little light that shone through the windows from the moonlight. She clutched her teddy bear as she made her way to the kitchen and got herself a sippy cup of cool water.

Suddenly, Gabby heard a whoosh, and she gasped. She looked around, and she saw it was just an open window letting in a breeze. So, she used the Force to close it. Then, as she was walking to her room again, she heard a creak.

Gabby froze and looked around.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Gabby asked quietly. It was silent. She shrugged and continued on her way, but then heard another creak.

But then, Gabby took a couple more steps and found it was just the floor making that noise.

Gabby chuckled to herself and said, "What am I so afraid of? There's no monster in the Temple."

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