Duchess of Mandalore

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Betrayed by two of her most trusted allies, Duchess Satine was now travelling to Coruscant to plead her innocence to the Senate, and hopefully convince them that a destructive splinter group, Death Watch, does not represent the entire Mandalore government. But Count Dooku and the Separatists were perhaps just as stubborn as the duchess.

Count Dooku spoke to some Death Watch soldiers over a holo-transmission, including their leader, Governor Vizsla.

"With your Death Watch army in place," said Dooku. "now all we need to do is sit and wait."

"But for how long?" asked Vizsla. "My men are anxious to fight, and we are down one dark saber."

"Considering the plot we've just set in motion, I assure you, the Republic will oblige you the fight you're looking for. First, send a Death Watch assassin to Coruscant. The Duchess of Mandalore must die."

But, Death Watch didn't know someone was watching them from afar. Someone who immediately reported to Prime Minister Almec, who said their fate now was in the hands of their beloved duchess.

Meanwhile, a meeting was held at the Senate building with Chancellor Palpatine presiding.

"It grieves me to say it," said the Chancellor. "but Death Watch is not a significant, deadly threat."

Duchess Satine moved her platform forward to take her turn to speak.

"Mandalore is making great strides to find the leaders of this terrorist movement." she explained. "They are not powerful enough to destabilize our government. We will resolve this without conflict. If the Republic gets involved in our affairs, it will only lead to further violence. Thus, I shall reassert our position of neutrality."

"Talk of an idealist." said Mas Amedda.

"No, those are the words of a pacifist and a people who have chosen nonviolent action."

"That may be so, Duchess." said Palpatine. "However, this message was delivered to my staff just this morning. I think you shall find it most illuminating."

Mas Amedda placed a disk into the console and pressed play. There then came the hologram of a man

"The actions by our government have taken us into a period of civil war. To acknowledge it would be to invite panic in the streets." said the man.

Padme, who was with her daughter Gabby, moved her platform up closer to Satine's.

"Duchess, do you know this man?" Padme asked.

"Yes. Deputy Minister Jerec." said Satine. "He's a dear friend."

"It is more than mere possibility," said Deputy Jerec's hologram. "more than eventuality. It is here."

"Stop!" Satine ordered, and the hologram was paused. "Deputy Minister Jerec is an honorable man. He would never commit such lies to the record. The Mandalorian government holds no secret from its people."

"If only that were true," said the Chancellor.

Gabby scrunched her nose at the Chancellor's comment.

"Death Watch is far stronger than we once thought." said Jerec. "If we are to combat them effectively, we must have Republic assistance. Instead this government acts out of pride and rejects the help of the Jedi."

"It's not true. It's not true!" said Satine.

"The Duchess Satine will ultimately cause our defeat. Make no mistake."

Obi-Wan Kenobi watched from higher up, thinking to himself, and worried about his new girlfriend.

"Republic intervention is absolutely necessary." said Jerec before the hologram was finally deactivated.

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