day 7: it's the little things

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[notes: today's prompt was free day so i'm just putting little ice cream cups in here.. soft little scenes where stuff happens <3 these two deserve the world okay? ]

{ you haven't experienced a true romantic night until you sneak into your girlfriend's room and turn off her gravity.

your limbs are tangled together so you don't float apart, and the blankets threaten you (not really).

xinyan presses her forehead against xiangling's, eyes closed, holding her close.

she sleeps in a t-shirt and shorts, and xiangling sleeps in her sweatshirts.

gravity isn't real in this room. butterflies flutter through their stomachs, their lips touch again and again. xinyan's hands are rough from playing guitar and xiangling's are chapped from so much time in the kitchen.

eyes closed, xiangling rests her head on xinyan's shoulder. both of them are already half-asleep. if anyone were to walk in they'd be in huge trouble.

but why should that matter?

xinyan kisses her girlfriend's cheek, waiting until she's asleep to turn everything back on. }

[ it's always surprising how high you can jump.

the trampoline park has been closed for months, but they haven't changed the locks and nobody came to take our keys. there isn't anyone here to tell us not to backflip into the foam pit, to tell us to get in line. i can chase xiangling over the whole place without any worries, can play hide and seek for hours.

we break every rule of dodgeball and she nearly gives me a concussion. (she's so much stronger than she looks.)

i teach her how to jump off the walls and land on her feet, how to leap all the way over the parkour block. she convinces me that the obstacle course isn't as bad as it looks.

we stay there in the dark for hours and hours, chasing each other over every square of trampoline the place has. i tackle her into the foam pit and she steals my jacket when it gets cold.

i swear i'll never run out of energy when she's around. i never run out of anything when she's around. ]

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