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(A/N: why do i take so long on these chapters just so y'all can read them in 2 seconds!? Like take your time Damn😭)

"I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my back." Dusting groans sitting back on his desk, Lucas and max silently agreed.
Mike looked around confused. "Wait, so he just accepted your guy's apology?" Lucas shrugs "yeah, I mean, it took a couple of tries but it worked."

"LUCAS!" The teacher snaps. "Stop talking, you are always disrupting the class!" Lucas points at the rest of his friends. "Why did you only call me out? Everyone else was talking." "I didn't see nor hear them talk." The teacher says, before getting back to the lesson.
Lucas slouches back in his chair and groans. "Racist ass teacher." He whispers as he flips off the teacher with her back toward them.

There was two minutes left of class and everyone started packing up. "So, we still going to the library next period?" Mike asked, neatly putting his notebook in his backpack. Dustin stuffs his books in his bag. "Nah, me and Lucas are planning on grabbing will and leaving." Max throws her backpack over her shoulder. "And I'm going with them."
"What? You are?" Lucas asked, surprised. They start walking out of the classroom, heading for the main school doors.
Dustin bumps Lucas. "It's fine, I have space in my car."
Max stops in front of the doors, putting her hands out. "Wait, you drive? You?" Dustin rolls his eyes. "Yes, I drive, why is everyone so surprised?"
They continue walking, opening the doors, walking outside. Max looked at Mike. "Mike, pray for my life." They start laughing, Dustin stops, spotting will. "Will! Over here!"

Will happily walks to the group, not knowing Mike was there. "Hi guys- oh." He interrupts himself as he sees Mike. Mike awkwardly smiles. "Hi will."
"How have you been?"
There was a long awkward silence, max breaking it. "Ok! So should we get going?!" "Uh, yeah! Let's go." Will says, starting to walk towards the parking lot. They all but Mike follow. "Bye mike!" Dustin yells from a distance.


"Mom, what the hell am I supposed to do?" Mike starts pacing around his room. Karen shrugged, "did you try and get him space?" She asked. "Yes! Yes I did, I even tried to talk to him today and, oh my god mom, it was so bad."
"Well did you say sorry?"
"Uh, no. But everyone did, that's why they're all hanging out today." He said as he stopped walking around. "Wait, should I just pop up and apologize?"
"Oh my god, that's such a good idea." Mike hurried into his closet and grabbed his sweater.
"Well-" Karen started, immediately getting interrupted by overly excited mike.
"Thanks mom!" He kisses his mom on the cheek before running out of his room. Karen smiled and scoffed, she's happy to start giving boy advice again.


"Guys we're here" Dustin says as he pulls up into the parking lot. He perfectly parks in the lot, secretly surprising everyone.
Max un buckles her seatbelt. "I know, I have eyes." She opens the door getting out of the car, everyone doing the same.

Dustin looks up at the store sign. "Ahh, The Discount store." He reads. Will also looks up at the sign, his eyes scanning the words, confused. "Dustin- that says 'family video'." Max scoffs. "It should be called the discount store for how many he gets." The group laughs, except for Lucas. He took a look around the parking lot and noticed the car of the chief of police. He groans and rolls his eyes. Max looked at him and raised her eye brow. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" Everyone turned to look at  him.
Lucas mentally took a step back. "Uh, nothing, it's- uh, kinda cold, I uh- I just wish I brought a sweater." Yes it's dumb to lie but, he really didn't want to ruin the moment his friends we're having.
"Ok? Well, let's go check out the movies." Everyone excitedly walks in, Lucas silently following, knowing what's to come.

"Hey Dingus your children are here! Oh, and an extra one." Robin yells from the counter. Steve happily rushes from the back to see Dustin.
"HARINGTON!" They run up to each other doing a quick hand shake.

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