Weekend Plans

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You sat at your desk quietly, staring blankly at your computer screen. Being too tired to do any actual work, you stretched in your chair and got up.
As you made your way to the (barely functioning) water dispenser, you came past Josiah.
Josiah was your work buddy. You could always go to him to discuss your problems, or just talk. You both had an interest in video games, and that's how you clicked.
Josiah looked up from his phone, giving you a small smile. "Mornin'. What's up?"
You smiled back at him while you grabbed a small plastic water cup.
"Nothin' really. Just needed to get up...almost fell asleep at my desk."
You pulled up the neighboring office chair and sat in his cubicle with him.
Josiah nodded. "I understand. You can always come to me if you're feeling bored."
You nodded. "I know, I know. Thanks J-Man."
He giggled at your nickname and went back to his game. It was kinda all he did at work, besides talk to you.
You didn't realize you were doing it, but you were just..staring at him. He looked so focused with what he was doing, you thought it was cute. But you quickly came back to your senses and shook some thoughts out of your head.
"Hey." Josiah abruptly said.
Your head darted back up, looking at your co worker.
"How's about we meet up after work? We rarely do. Besides, that pizza place you like so much is having a sale.."
For some reason, the idea made your heart flutter. A night alone with Josiah...
"Oh! Sure! I'll see what I can do...I don't think I have anything planned tonight anyway."
Josiah got up, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Well now ya do. How's 8?"
You nodded, a wide smile appearing on your face.
Josiah walked away, hands in his pockets.
Your smile remained as thoughts raced through your head. This is all you ever wanted, and you didn't even need to build up courage to ask!
You got up, shook your hair a bit, and walked back to your desk. It was almost closing time.

Josiah x Reader :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora