A rise of a prince and a fall of a king

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Zachary walked through the village in his kingdom. With his guard, Drake. Zachary walked over the blue ground. They could see in the darkness, it was easy for every alien. Some alienings ran past, Zachary smiled
Zachary: aren't the alienings so adorable?
Drake: I supposed.
Zachary stood, and talked to the sale person behind the table selling tea.
Seller: hey prince Zachary! What can I get you today??
Zachary: just the usual please!
Seller: one dark ocean tea coming right up! Anything else?
Zachary: no thank you!
Seller: alright! That be 10 rubies please!
Zachary: alright, here you go!
She counted the rubies and looked at him
Seller: prince Zachary, you gave me one to many.
Zachary: it's a extra!
Seller: oh why thank you!
Zachary smiled and turned around with Drake, as they begun to walk off the seller shouted
Seller: you'll be a great king one day!
Zachary stood there and put on a fake smile
Zachary: hehe, thank you..!
Drake and Zachary walked off, half way down back to the palace Drake stopped. Zachary looked at him confused
Zachary: guard Drake?
Drake: I don't understand you.
Zachary: hm?
Drake: your nice to aliens that should be nothing to you! Why?
Zachary: I like using manners I supposed-
Drake: but you don't need manners for lower life forms, your an special type of alien. They should be greatful to even speak to you-
Zachary: Drake. Don't talk about my aliens like that.
Drake: ... I apologize my prince.
Zachary: mm. It's alright. Let's carry on walking.
Zachary and Drake didn't like each other, They arrived at the palace, opened the gate and walked in the garden. Zachary opened the door and Drake walked in with him. They arrived at a big wooden door and Drake opened it. Zachary walked over to the chair and smiled at Drake.
Zachary: go relax, the chef will make dinner. You are welcome to join me if you like!
Drake: no thank you. Remember, your father is coming back today!
Zachary: oh yes.. He's back on his trip. I forgot. I am so happy to hear the news!
Drake: okay.
Drake walked off, Zachary looked down and sighed. A single tear slides down his face.
-an hour later-
Zachary stood outside with Drake. He watched as his father got of the space ship, jaxx walked down the space ship's stairs. Jaxx smiled at Zachary and ran towards him. Zachary put his arms out to hug him but it never came. Zachary opened his eyes and looked behind him. He saw his father hugging his guard, Drake.
A giant wave of sadness crashed over him. He stood there shock. Angry and sadness filled him. He turned away and begin to walk off.
Jaxx: Zachary? Aren't you gonna say hello?
Zachary: ... Hello.
Zachary put on his pj's, he walked downstairs and saw his father talking to Drake.
Zachary: father.
Jaxx: yes?
Zachary: I love you..!
It had been a while since Zachary saw his father. So he wanted to tell him that.
Jaxx: okay!
Zachary turned around and was about to go but he heard something that made him want to cry.
Jaxx: I love you Drake! Your like a son to me!
Drake: thank you my highness. Your great. I love you to!
Zachary ran upstairs. He salmmed his door shut and sat on the floor. He begin crying. Covering his mouth so no one would here him. He slowly fall asleep.
-the next day-
Zachary woke up to Drake shaking him.
Drake: your gonna be late! This is the day you'll become king remember!
Zachary: i- oh no! Oh my days! How much did I overslept??
Zachary ran over to his drawer and begun getting change while Drake looked through his over drawers to get his make up out.
Zachary brushed his hair into place, tieing it up. Drake ran over to him and helped him with his makeup. Zachary ran out of his room with Drake running with him. They both made it to the doors that lead to the balcony. Jaxx looked at them.
Jaxx: Zachary! Your late!
Zachary: I know I'm sorry! But at least I'm here.!
Drake: it was my fault. Please blame me for this. I didn't wake him up early enough!
Jaxx: don't worry Drake, it isn't your fault. Zachary. Get up on that balcony and begun your speech!
Zachary: okay! Wish me luck.!
Zachary opened the glass doors and walked onto the balcony and looked at all the aliens.
Zachary: hello my fellow aliens! We are all here today to see the falling of king jaxx and the rising of me.. Prince Zachary.! Well soon to be known as king Zachary...!
Jaxx walked onto the balcony. He pulled his crown down and looked at everyone.
Jaxx: with this crown, comes loyalty, sacrifice and most importantly. Trust.
Jaxx looked at Zachary and turned around to face him.
Jaxx: So I give it to Zachary. As he is my son. Sadly.
Zachary tooked the crown and looked at it.
Jaxx: the minute, you wear this crown. You'll become a king of a great kingdom. You'll be able to do what you want when you want.
Zachary looked at all the other aliens. He looked at the crown and...

Lol cliffhanger. Hope you guys like this story-

Word count: 890
(Not counting the word count)
Word count: 904
(Counting the word count)

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