The Tiniest Chapter

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"Hermione!" I call over the din in the girls' bathroom. "Can you help me with my hair?"

"Sure!" Hermione claws her way through the horde of girls to come to my tiny portion of the bathroom. "Wow, your dress is so pretty!"

"Thanks, so is yours." Honestly, I can't believe my dress turned out so well. When mum sent it to me it was green and pink, with a goofy collar and large buttons that made it look like it was fit for a five year old. I spent literal hours working with my wand, trimming, hemming, re-coloring, adding fabric. Now it's sleeveless and pale green, with a fitted bodice that poofs out into a large skirt. I'm very proud of it.

Hermione looks gorgeous in her periwinkle dress, which is long and layered so that it sort of floats around her. "What do you want to do with your hair?" She asks me, grinning. Her hair is elaborately styled, with curls and twists and pins. I just shrug.

"No idea."

My friend rolls her eyes. "Come on, I know you have something you especially want to do."

"Well..." I pause to grab my tiny bag of jewelry. "I want to do something with these." I hold out my handful of bitsy pearl clips that mum sent me with the dress. They were my great grandmother's, and she passed them down to my grandmother, who passed them down to my mum, and now they're mine. Hermione's face brightens when she sees them. She immediately pulls my hair into a few sections and starts working. I wait patiently while she pins and twists and then finally puts the pearls in my hair.

"Done," she giggles. "Go on, turn and see it."

I do, and I didn't think my hair would ever look this nice. Hermione's pulled it up to look sort of like a bun, though I'm able to tell it's not a bun. The complicated twists and turns would have cost me hours and probably some tears of frustration, but Hermione's done it in just a few minutes. It's amazing. "Thank you!" I gasp. "This is wonderful."

Hermione smiles, tells me she'll see me later, an then goes to finish up whatever make up or hair needs she still has. I too finish up, drop my things off at the Gryffindor tower, and then rush down to the great hall, where I told Harry I'd meet him. It's almost eight, and the ball is about to start!

***Hi guys! Sorry it's short, and I know I haven't updated in ages, but more should be coming soon (probably). Thanks for reading!

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