Chapter 9

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KEY: Your POV, Wesker's POV

TW: Violence

"Sir, I promise you, they are not dangerous. If you'd just let me talk to them I could-"

"Shut it, Redfield. I am your superior. If I say they are dangerous, they are dangerous!"

"Yes, sir," the familiar voice spoke solemnly.

      I felt pressure on my arms so much so that it hurt. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was suspended by my arms in the center of a room. I wore my pajamas that I had last night... or what I assume was last night, when I fell asleep with Wesker. Wait... I remember.


       I was being carried bridal style by Chris. I looked up at him to see him looking down at me worriedly.

"You're going to be safe, I promise," he smiled when he saw I was awake.

"Sir, they're waking up!" A man next to Chris yelled, causing Chris to frown.

        Wesker yelling from upstairs startled me. He screamed curses & threats as Chris paused to look back. I was still groggy & couldn't fully process the situation. I tried to climb out of Chris' grip.

"What the-" I began before feeling a sharp pain in my arm, "Ow!"

"I'm sorry," Chris whispered as the world went dark once more.

(End of Flashback)

"Chris why am I here?!"

"Sir I told you-"

"Shut up, you are property of the BSAA now. We have reason to believe that Albert Wesker has injected you with a virus strain & you experienced similar effects to the ones he did. As long as you are here we will consider you a weapon, not a human."

"What the fuck," I asked angrily.

"Sir that seems too far," Chris argued.

"Yeah, a hell of a lot too far."

"Chris, they may be the key to taking down Wesker."

"I know sir, but this is hardly the way to treat a witness."

"A witness? What bad has Wesker done?"

"I'll leave this one to you Chris since you're so passionate about the subject," Chris' commanding officer stated as he left the room.

"Do you not remember how this all happened Y/N?! He killed your whole team, has Wesker brainwashed you?!" Chris yelled.

        No. I guess I got caught up in it all & forgot. He treats me so kindly, I can't imagine him hurting me or anyone right now. But he did. He killed my team in front of me thinking it was funny. "Waste of air," he called them. How did I forget this? 

"Y/N... I care for you. I think I like you romantically. I don't want to see you harmed or under Wesker's control. You remember that he hurt you & many others, right."

"Yes," I stared blankly at the floor.

"Are you done being on Wesker's side or do I have to explain what has happened since you've been gone?"

     I love Wesker. I want to stay on his side. What if he truly just is the monster I thought he was when we met. He can't be, he's gotten so much better. People can change, right?

"Y/N, he caused the outbreak in Raccoon City!"


           He never told me that. What else has he been keeping from me. Something in me still was attached.

"Chris, I-I love him."

"No you don't, Y/N. You know Stockholm Syndrome right? Where you fall for your captors! He thinks he owns you, he doesn't love you! Wesker loves no one. He practically sent me & my team to our deaths back in that mansion right before he killed your team!"

I froze & looked down, "He does love me."

"Y/N, thinking that is a death sentence."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!" Chris slapped me hard, "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

             A couple tears fell down my face. My cheek stung bad. The pressure on my arms hurt once more, it felt like bruises were forming. I let the rest of my tears fall & Chris' arms hovered awkwardly near me. He stood up & lifted his fist to his mouth. Chris turned on his heel & walked out of the room. I took this as a chance to finally look around & register where I am. It looked like those interrogation rooms you'd see in movies. A cement box with a viewing window, well mirror, but I know it's a secret window. I hope Wesker comes to save me soon, or do I? I mean after what Chris said I don't know what to think. I realized the door was cracked open when footsteps paced by.

"Hey man, how's your night going?"

"Good, still contemplating how we got that tip."

"From what I heard Redfield ranting about, Wesker kind of kidnapped this person & made them fall in love with him."

"Gross, that poor thing."

"I bet you that Excella gave that tip to win over Wesker's heart. Both of them are lovestruck idiots."

"Excella," I groaned.

"Wait, what?" The soldier turned & closed the door.

             I'll fucking kill her if Wesker doesn't get to her first.

             I stomped into my office with the chain still on my wrist.

"Good evening Mr. W-"

"Silence," the sound of my anger hurt like a punch.

             My assisstant immediately hung her head in fear. I realized I needed her, "Cancel all of my meetings for the forseeable future. I am busy."

"Yes, Mr. Wesker. What shall I say?"

"That if anyone gets in my way I will kill them before they can speak to me."

           Before I could ask to have Excella called into my office I heard those incessant heels clicking. I turned to see that she had the audacity to smile. She walked up to me & placed a hand on my chest.

"Good morning, Wesker."

          Oh the urge to snap her neck right there. I mustn't, I have bigger things to take care of. Y/N wouldn't want me to hurt another human anyways. I live for them & I will die for them if I have to. But that won't be happening till I know they are safe. I locked myself in my office without another word to Excella. I had to find them & the only thing that can help me now is research & my agents.

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