We Were Meant to Burn Together - Short Story

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Author's Note: For my 'House of the Dragon's watchers, we're going to pretend that we got what we wanted, with Rhaenrya rightfully named queen and there was no Dance of the Dragons. This will be my HOTD!AU

Warnings: Spoilers, Mentions of Death & Violence, Smut.

You had always been different. While your brothers spent time training with swords and various weapons in the courtyard, you remained in the castle with Helaena. She understood you and you understood her. The two of you grew up together and became very close. There was a year in age separating the two of you, her being older, but one could assume you two girls were twins.

Another difference set aside you from your brothers; is you have the same sliver hair as your mother. You were born after Jace and came into this world with white hair. When Alicent requested to see you, she was surprised. Almost everyone in court assumed you were Laenor's daughter and no longer whispered about you being a bastard. Of course, some still believed you to be the child of Rhaenrya and Sir Harwin Strong. Others whispered of how you were Daemon's daughter. That was impossible since Rhaenrya had not seen her uncle in more than 10 years and he was away in Pentos. But when the old lords and ladies are convinced their minds cannot be changed.

You ignored the rumors and whispers, focusing on your lessons, sewing or knitting, and dragon training.

Just like the other Targaryen and Valaryian children, you had a dragon. Her name was Viatrix. The two of you shared a deep connection. Helaena and you only had dragons since it was tradition. Neither you nor she wanted to use their abilities for destruction or chaos or weapons in a battle.

But whenever you and Helaena had the opportunity, the two of you flew on dragon back. Soaring through the clouds side by side. Up here you were free and you could laugh without being under the watchful eye of Alicent.

There was, however, another person who would keep a watchful but not judgmental eye on you and Helaena; Aemond.

While you two girls sat together to read or sew, Aemond would be there in the corner reading as well. Every so often, he'd lift his head from the book to glance at Helaena. Or so you thought.

Outside the reading and sewing room, Aemond trained with Aegon and your two brothers. Although Aemond was a skilled fighter, he still lacked confidence. No matter what weapon he mastered or how strong he became, the overwhelming fact that he was without a dragon cast a dark shadow upon Aemond. Part of you did feel remorse for him.

Aegon, Jace, and Luke did tease and belittle Aemond for not having a dragon yet. Even attaching chicken feathers to a pig and calling that his new mount. It was unpleasant of them to do such a thing.

There were times you tried to comfort Aemond but he didn't want to listen. Since he was mad at your brothers, he was rude to you since you shared blood with them. You would chastise him for making such assumptions but again Aemond wouldn't listen. Eventually, you stopped trying to comfort him. If he did not want to hear your kind words then perhaps he didn't deserve them.

But you found yourself regretting not being kinder towards Aemond.

Your mother decided to leave King's Landing and bring the family to Dragonstone. It was an adjustment but you settled in. Being away from Helaena was the hardest part. You missed sitting and chatting with her. But you were allowed to send messages to one another by a raven. Surprisingly, you received letters from Aemond as well. They were few and far between yet they still arrived to you. His words were short but one letter stood out among the others.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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