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Since I left my hometown, Newark. To pursue a acting career elsewhere. Things have changed.

I mean, being born in Newark wasn't really something to be proud of anyway. It always been dirty.

And trust me, once I got that phone call, I packed my shit right away to leave. Without saying goodbye.

By saying "things have changed" I meant the people I've left here.

• • • • • •

I was on the plane, New York to New Jersey.

I just finished my movie roll. And being the main character in it, took a lot out of me. That movie took approximately six months to finish. And of course I was proud of myself. Who wouldn't be?

Soon as the plane landed. I had a taxi ready for me. So I won't have to deal with them dirty ass fans.

The taxi drove to my destination that was already punched in.

I was excited to surprise my parents to say the least. I haven't seen them in three long years and we couldn't communicate as much because of my busy schedule.

I paid the cab driver, and gave him a good tip. (Cause I'm like that) and I got out the car.

I got Deja Vu looking at my old home, many memories popped up in my head.
I shook my head quickly to get rid of them.

I walked towards the door. And knocked. I knew they was here because I saw that same old red truck they called ladybug in the drive way.

"Who is it?" I heard my mother yell.

"It's me!" I yelled back. Sure enough she can recognize her own daughters voice.

The door opened up quickly, and my mother pulled me into a long,deep and warm hug.

"Mia!" My father called out.

"Hey dad!" I was still hugging my mother and I opened my other arm to signal that I wanted him to join in.

And he did. It was all one big group hug.

After a while, they let go of me so I can get in the house more.

And as I walked in to sit on the couch, I saw him. Quadir.

Who is Quadir? He's our neighbor. And me and him had a little fling years ago. We basically benefited each other.

Yeah, until I called it off before I left. Which left a very confused and annoyed, and angry boy.

But a girl was chasing her bag, so I didn't really care.

But it was awkward now.

"Oh. Hey Quadir."

"Hey, Mia" he scooted down in the couch,making himself more comfortable.

I chose not to stand, simply because I wanted to sit down like I originally wanted to. So I walked over to sit down at the one seater sofa couch thing.

"What's up with you guys? Y'all used to love hanging out together?" My father coughed out.

Now of course my parents didn't know about the friends with benefits thing.

"There's nothing wrong, right Mia?" Quadir looked me in the eyes. Then he let his eyes trail down my body with no shame. Licking his lips right after.

"Uhh yeah" I quickly said. My face was burning from the attention. And the way this boy was looking at me didn't help either.

"Um excuse me, I gotta use the bathroom"

I knew exactly where the bathroom was. And I had to go to put myself together again. My first time seeing him in three years and this is what he does?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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