Cant be forgiven

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I was hesitant but i made up my mind "leave now i can't forget what you did i can't forget what you said your to late raine leave please" i coudlent look them in the eyes at all "eda i know you are alone I've seen your kids running around you know you need me so just let your gaurd down" raine said being serious "letting my gaurd down is why I'm in this place " i was angry and upset i stood up and looked at raine i had forgotten how beautiful they were but i was standing my ground raine pulled me into a hug it took me a second but i hugged back slowly trying not to give in "i will be here for you no matter what even if I'm head bard " raine whispered in my ear i pulled back and told them to leave they finally left but i saw they left a note i decided to open it "**********" it was their number i went inside and went to my room i opened the window and saw them talking to someone it looks liked the head witch of the abomination coven Darius raine turned around and saw me looking at them and Darius they smiled i forgot how comfortable their smile was i was tempted to call but i didint i went into my journal and looked at my plans for 7/10/25 it was in 3 months that was the date she would end it all i shut my window and sat in silence for the night

A/N Sorry this is short I'm very tired from school

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