Cruel Marks

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Hey there, readers. It's been a long time since my last update hasn't it? Well to put it short, I've got a mess fall over my life over the last months and could only write 1 or 2 lines a day or nothing at all. But here I am back with a chapter. Above is a picture I created while playing with Paint XD it's how I wanted Naruto to look in this fanfic a more mature look with hair a bit similar to Minato's by using Data Jahad as a base XD. He also got black eyes since he's got Sasuke's eyes for a long time now and two purple stripes under the eyes one on each side to symbolize his Yõki. I hope you know what it is XD.

"Mr. Lero Ro" He heard faintly. "Mr. Lero Ro, can you hear me?" He listened again, but couldn't figure out whose voice was; it was as if he was hearing the voice from the bottom of the sea. His head hurt no, his whole body hurt from the toes to the head. He had forgotten when was the last time he felt so much pain.

"Urgh...!" He uttered, pained, trying to find the strength to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes until he started to glimpse the blurry figures of brown and blue hovering over him. "W-w-where am I...?!" The blond administrator spoke, abruptly getting up from the hospital bed.

"Whoa, careful there, they said you need to rest!" Aguero spoke.

"Where...when... what happened to me?" Lero Ro asked, holding his head; his thoughts were still hazy. His last memory was that he felt a shockwave sending him backward at high speed. After that, it was only pain and darkness.

"You go knocked out really badly during the crown game Mr. Lero Ro," Baam spoke.

"You two... How long have I been here?" 

"Less than a day," Aguero replied, making the test admin's eyes widen in surprise.

"What happened after I was knocked out? What happened to the tests? What happened to the two...?"

"Well, firstly, the game was left on the hook yesterday since you were knocked out. The giant guy was... well... he literally seemed to have disappeared after the impact from the collision from the techniques of those two; the arena was completely destroyed after the event so we couldn't see anything. And Naruto... he was called to the test Director's office earlier today, and a while after that, a message popped into our pockets, the game ended without a declared winner since the crown apparently got destroyed" Aguero spoke, trying to find the best way to put the situation on the table.

"The Director decided that?" Lero Ro asked out loud with confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, it seems so, giving the circumstances," Aguero replied.

'The test Director Yu took care of everything, huh?' Lero Ro thought a bit distraught by the Director's actions. He could have at least tried to wait until he woke up... 

"Could you leave me alone for now? I need some time to gather my thoughts back in place." Lero Ro requested.

"Alright then, let's leave him to his rest Baam" Aguero spoke.

"... Alright..." Baam replied, leaving the room. 

Upon their leave, Lero Ro checked his medical chart. Scrolling through it, he felt the need to chuckle. 'I must be getting rusty... I, a ranker, had two bones fractured from just that impact even if I was strengthened by shinsu? This is ridiculous...' He thought with unbelief. 

Lero Ro then summoned his lighthouse. He checked the feed that was recorded until he was knocked out two days ago, trying to find anything that he didn't pay attention to. He played the recording of the moment he left to stop Naruto, again and again, trying to understand what exactly happened until he came to an understatement.

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