Entry 01-Alt!Jonahs source.

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S;8:05 pm
Date; Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
Front; Alternate Jonah Marshall

  Hello, I'm Jonah, and this is my chapter to write my source trauma.

  Though I want you to beware that this entry will entail things like the fight between Adam and I, alternates, cannibalism, gore, and vomit. Please, DO NOT PROCEED IF ANY OF THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. You've been warned.

  This is your last chance to click off before I spill out my source. Reader discretion is advised.


  I and Adam were taking on jobs to deal with alternates. The BPS. We had gotten a call from a girl, she had told us about the cat alternate she thought of as her old cat Johnny being lost and having no real way to truly get to the afterlife. I personally thought it was dog shit. But Adam, having the soft spot for animals that he does, forced me to help. Though I'll be honest I really only agreed once I saw how much money we'd be paid with we did this for three nights.

  So, we drove there, having conversations that don't make a lot of sense. And our camera had gotten some snippets of the conversations, and the oddest times. On the way to the house I was smoking pot to calm my nerves, I needed it medically.

  When we had arrived to the house it already made me feel like I should just leave. Like I wasn't safe to be here, in this house, or even the property of the house. But I pushed it aside. It wasn't that bad right? A lot of new homes do that, right? I shook my head a tad, to clear my brain of these stupid anxious thoughts.

  I went in after Adam and closed the door behind myself. Something we eventually noticed was the meowing of that cat. We looked around for a bit. She had microwavable food we could eat. Score. I say this because me and Adam can't cook for shit. Anyway. We had decided on our rooms and went to bed. The next the morning I woke after Adam, he was heating up pizza rolls to have for breakfast. I had heated up my own pizza rolls, and ate them silently. When I finished however me and Adam began to argue over something, this prolonged into a car ride to the local shop to get batteries and snacks. I don't remember what it was we fought over. We eventually made up and checked out at the cash register.

  We went back to the house and all that. Then when we get inside, we noticed that the meowing had gotten more frequent. So for the night we set up cameras and microphones. We ate something microwaveable and went to sleep. The next morning I woke to a very similar scene from yesterday, Adam heating up pizza rolls. Except that cat was 1, really loud, and 2, at the basement door. So we poured salt in front of the door and reviewed the footage from last night. There was quite a bit that was, odd so we decided that latee that night Adam would go down into the basement, and id go wait in the car.

  However, later on, right when we planned it, I started to think this was a bad idea. And that we should go home and get pizza. When I told this to Adam he didn't seem to get it. This is what had prompted that argument we had. Where I brought up the dead family member, and pushed his buttons. Eventually we stopped talking to each other. But within minutes I began to worry. Even though I was upset with Adam, I went to look for him.
I brought my radio, and a flashlight. Then headed towards that basement.
I had a gut feeling as soon as I got to the top on the steps. Turn back and leave, Jonah, this isn't a safe idea. I shook my head, I can't leave Adam. I went down. I really should've gone home.

  When I was at the bottom in the cold dark and moist basement I used my radio to find Adam. When I did, he was dead. He died a gruesome death. I froze, stiffened up, and stood to leave. However I reacted a tad too late.

”What makes you think you can leave? Shouldn't you suffer the same fate, Jonah.”

Adams voice. But Adams dead. An alternate, behind me. Using his voice, his body. I couldn't run. It broke my legs,  my right arm, and it took my right eye. I was blind in one eye, and immobile. When it left, all sounds stopped, tv static? Gone, whispers? Gone, the meowing? Gone.

  I wanted this to be some sick prank, or a dream. I can't live with myself knowing my best friend is dead because of me. For a few days I couldn't do anything. Then, I found some metal bars, and duct tape. I used these things on my arm and legs. A tad later on I had found a rag, and used that as an eye patch.  However, I haven't ate in days. I started at Adams corpse. It's the only source of food I have. I reluctantly reached over to him, and began to open him up. I slowly ripped off a piece of him, and shakely brought it up to my mouth. I hesitated. Did I really have to do this? I shook my head and closed my one eye. I hastily ate it. I nearly vomited out what I ate. But I forced it to stay down. I did this a few more times before I could take it anymore. I stopped eating Adam. And pushed his corpse aside. I sat in that corner few a few more weeks. But they felt like months as they blurred together. Soon I crawled my way up out of the basement. I was tired of being down here. I anted to go home. I wanted stop go to the hospital. However. As soon as I had gotten to the base of the steps, there at the top towering over me, was the alternate, who looked as if it was waiting for me, it began descending the steps, coming for me. I backed up, it's pursue didn't stop. It smiled devilishly at me. As if it was getting revenge on me for something. I had back up so far I was against the wall. I had no where to run, no way to defend myself.

  I accepted my fate right there. I was as good as dead, like Adam. When suddenly, it crouched down to my level. It was above me, I was underneath it. It suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto my knees.

”Welcome home, Jonah.”

  That was the last thing I heared before it shoved it's arm through the right side of my skull. It's like it infected me. It made me an alternate. It made me what it is.


There's probably more that happened but it's all blurred together and hard to remember. I'll probably update my chapter if I remember anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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