chapter one; Her Decision

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In a well furnished bedroom,a queen size bed is placed at a corner and on it lays a figure who is probably fast asleep. This figure is no other than Raquel Singh, suddenly the door creeks open revealing a cute little boy of about five years old he had pitch black hair and the most beautiful sea blue eyes he looked quite tall for his age and also very handsome. He  peeked into his mother's room and slowly crept in, taking silent steps towards his mother but came to a halt when he heard
"If I find whoever is in my room I'm going to chop your fingers off and feed them to the dogs right away!"
Raquel said before her head popped up to see her son staring wide-eyed at her she braced herself up and huffed before saying "come here sweetie I was only joking"
  Kai walked up to his mother and joined her in the bed as she cuddled him,he asked
"Hmm?" Raquel hummed in response
"If it wasn't me who entered your room would you actually have the person's finger chopped off and fed to the dogs?" Kai said turning to face his red haired mother
"Well if it was an intruder who came to hurt me or you then I'm afraid I'd do that to him" Raquel said smiling and Kai nodded in affirmation
The two continued cuddling until they were interrupted by a soft knock on the door
"Come in" Raquel said sitting up
Her Butler,an old man who appeared to be in his mid-fifties came in with a slight bow
"Good morning ma'am"
"Morning to you Jeffery,what brings you here?"
"Ma'am your mother has arrived at the house I'm afraid she's quite furious and request your presence right away" Jeffery concluded
Raquel stiffened at his statement.She knew why her mother was here she quietly dismissed the butler and said to her son
"Kai why don't you go keep grandma busy while I freshen up"  Kai nodded and left and Raquel was left alone again she sighed and got off her bed.She had made her mind and there was no going back she was sure of that not even her mother was going to stop her and she wasn't scared to tell her either.she went into her bathroom and stepped into the tub and began having her shower and in less than ten minutes she was sitted at her dressing table she put on a biege shorts and a green hoody and packed her red hair into a messy bun.

Raquel was a rare beauty half African half Asian. A woman in her early twenties tall and model fit her red hair cascaded down to her bottom,her bright wide-set eyes, light brown in colour. Her little yet pointed nose and her pale pink and plump lips: The proud tilt of her chin and indented dimples on her cheek when she smiled,her long and full lashes that covered her eyes each time she looked down,the blush of rose on her cheek beautifully complimented her well tanned skin,her chest that was beautifully adorned with her round and standing moderate sized breasts and flat stomach housed by her slim waist which increased as it skimmed down to her well curved hips and round,full buttocks just above her long slender legs all gave her the strawberry figure.
     On her left hand was a rose tattoo perfectly imprinted and on her neck was a vertically imprinted luminous design of stars and the moon. On her usually exposed cleavage rested another tattoo,her name ,her native name"Kadisha", another tattoo rested on the lower part of her back to the upper part of her right buttocks and all this designs beautified her the more. Each step she took were proud and grateful steps that spoke of her homily and mean deamanour. 
  Her career had taken over her almost completely,she cherished nothing other than her son,her sick mother and her Job. Pride was her birth right,like it was made for her her self esteem explored to heights and yet she was loved by many for her good heart.
"Ma'am your mother says you're keeping her waiting"
A maid said before walking away briskly
Raquel left her room and headed For the living room where she guessed her mother would be she met her mother talking to Kai and she cleared her throat everyone's attention turned to her,her Mother frowned before saying to Kai "go to your room Kai  I want to speak with your mother" Kai understood she meant business so he stood and glanced at his mother before walking to his room
"Good morning ma" Raquel said while sitting down on one of the sofa's giving a good distance between her and her mother in fear of what her furious mother may do 
"Save your greetings for the dogs Raquel" Mrs Singh rattled with a glare
Raquel only rolled her eyes an popped a berry into her mouth
"What is it ma....what have I d...."
Raquel was cut off by her raging mother
"Oh please don't you think it's time Kai gets a father?"Mrs Singh emphasized Raquel sighed while picking another berry from the tray
"Ma I've told you a hundred times I do no need a man to be happy"
"We are not talking about your happiness we are talking about your son's happiness and the happiness of your mother"
Raquel adjusted her position before saying" Kai has never complained of not having a father so I believe we're good"
Mrs Singh scoffed and said "you never do listen do you?"
"Besides I'm already dating Nate isn't that what you want"
"That you painter boyfriend? Oh please spare me the trash okay?" Mrs Singh said only to earn a glare from Raquel
"He's not a painter he's an artist a rich one for you to know" Mrs only sighed and was about to say before Raquel interrupted her.
"Mom you wanted a son and because I love you I did something never in my life I thought I'd do I had an artificial insemination which means my movement will be restricted so I won't meet the actual father of my child. You requested I had a boyfriend at least for my image I had that done too, all my life you made decisions for me I never for once questioned you or disobeyed you I always did what you wanted why can't you just give me this one chance to make a decision for myself that's all I'm asking and that's all I'll ever ask". Raquel said softly
Mrs Singh sighed and said
"All I have done Raquel and a I'll ever do is for your own good please you need thi....."
"Save me the good bullshit,like forcing your daughter to get an artificial insemination is good huh? You know what? I'm done hear I've made up my mind and nothing I mean nothing can change that, do have a nice day mother!" Raquel booked before heading upstairs.
"Oh God help my child to understand!" Mrs Singh said in a loud whisper before setting off for her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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