Chapter 1

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Piko bit his lip and looked at the door nervously. He was the newest made Vocaloid. He had really only been created a few days ago. Now here he was, standing outside of the vocaloid mansion. "You will stay there and get to know the other Vocaloids." Master had told him. He knew he was different. He had a long, and when he said long, he meant long USB tail. Not to mention his eyes that were two different colors. One was a Heterochromatic or Monochromatic...something chromatic blue, he couldn't remember the exact name while the other was green...very odd. From what he was told he was the only vocaloid like this. Why had master made him like this? He nervously  bit his lip as he knocked on the door. He wrapped his tail around his thin waist and blinked as the door was opened.

  A girl with long, beautiful teal or aqua blue hair opened  the door and smiled at Piko. "Hello! You must be the new vocaloid Master said he'd drop by today. Come in!" She said, Her high pitched voice filled with excitement.  

 Piko was a bit nervous...well a lot more than a bit! He shyly followed the seemingly sweet girl. His eyes widened as he was lead into a somewhat large living room. He jumped back with a small yelp as several vocaloids jumped out from hiding spots and yelled "SURPRISE!". The poor boy wasn't expecting anything like this, and having only been 'alive' for a few days, was startled. His tail wrapped around him slim waist several times as if to protect him.  


 The Vocaloids were all smiling and blinked when they saw how scared the young boy was. "Ah! Sorry Piko...I guess Master forgot to inform you. We like to throw parties for new members of the family!" The girl with light blue pigtails said. "Ah where are my manners? Welcome to the Vocaloid Mansion, otherwise known as your new home! Let's get the introductions done shall we? My name is Hatsune Miku! You can call me Miku-chan or just Miku if you like" The teal—Miku said.

   Piko nodded shyly and politely bowed to everyone. "Hello, I am Luka Megurine...It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope the others and I didn't scare you too much." A pink haired woman said, suddenly taking Miku's place. She spoke softly and calmly. This caused the young boy to relax a bit. He instantly liked Luka, she seemed to be a very nice woman.


Another Vocaloid stepped up. So far she was the only one with "normal" hair. "Hello! It's nice to meet you. My name is Meiko. I am the oldest vocaloid here so come to me if you're ever confused about anything, alright?" The brunette woman in red said. Piko nodded, shock hidden in his eyes. The oldest vocaloid? How old was she? How long had she known Master? Did she preform? All of these questions zoomed around the in the young Vocaloid's mind but he relaxed and smiled kindly at Meiko. "Thank you Meiko-san"He whispered shyly. A blonde girl with a white bow in her hair pushed Meiko out of the way.

 "Hiya! I'm Rin Kagamine! The older and better Kagamine!" The young blonde said playfully with a giggle. "It's nice to have you here. Now Len and I aren't the second youngest!" She smiled happily, hugging the albino. Piko gasped and a small smile came to his face. This girl was very energetic! He hoped that all of them would be his friends.

 After a while he seemed to meet all of the vocaloids. The 'party' was about to start but Rin suddenly let out a gasp. "Len didn't meet Piko!!" She yelled. Meiko nodded at the shout. "Neither did Kaito or Oliver" She said, voicing her her observation. "Hold on Piko!" Rin said with a bright smile.

 Piko blinked as Rin ran out of the room. The sound of running was heard, then muffled shouting. This repeated two more times. Soon Rin ran back in the room followed by three boys.

 Piko tilted his head as he looked at the first male. He had blonde hair just like Rin's except his was pulled back into a ponytail. His bangs seemed to be able to defy gravity.He had a mixture of baby and sea/ocean blue eyes. He was wearing a yellow, black, and white 'cabin boy' outfit.

 The white-haired boy then looked at the second boy. He was also blonde. Though, his eyes were a goldish-yellowish color. He was wearing what seemed to be, to him anyway,  a sailor outfit. It was a dark blue, matching the hat he wore. Piko's eyes widened as he noticed that the boy wasn't wearing any shoes.Even more alarming, was that the blonde's right eye was bandaged up along with his left foot and his wrist and the joint above his right knee. What was under the bandages? There was a little American Goldfinch on his shoulder. He looked to be younger then the first boy.

 The last male was a bit older than the others. He seemed to be about Meiko's age. He had somewhat short blue hair. His eyes were a much darker blue than the first boy's. He was wearing a light blue scarf with a stripe of yellow at the end. He was also wearing a very long coat, almost down to his ankles. It was mostly white except for the end of the sleeves and the bottom of the coat. They were dark blue and yellow. He was wearing black pants and boots. The boots seemed to be black, white, blue, and yellow. He noticed how his coat opened and allowed you to see a small part of the older man's stomach.

  Beautiful! Piko  thought, though he was startled by the thought. He bit his lip and his tail ended up curling around his belly nervously.

  "Introduce yourselves" Meiko and Rin said at the same time. All three males sighed. "I am Kagamine Len. The 'twin' of Rin. Can I go now?" He said sounding annoyed and unamused. Rin just glared at Len and he sighed, crossing his arms.  "I am Oliver. I am an Engloid. This is James" The second boy said. Piko noticed how this male had an accent.  "I am Kaito. I like ice cream" The blunette finally said.

   Piko smiled shyly, holding out his hand as he bowed slightly. "K-Konnichiwa! I-I am Utatane   Piko! I-It's a pleasure to meet you." The young white-haired boy said. He ended up awkwardly putting his hand down as none of the males shook it.

 The three males frowned, each for their own and the same reasons. Piko's smile faded slightly.  He took a guess at what each male was thinking. It came out to 'Piko is a freak' The white-haired Vocaloid had no idea how off he was. His tail curled tighter around his waist and he kept his head down.

 The youngest vocaloid heard the sounds of the three males leaving and he sighed softly. "Don't be upset. They're just having a bad day." Meiko said gently, patting his shoulder."A-Alright! Piko said trying to stay polite "Oh! Your room is still being made..but the guest room is ready for you!" Miko  said brightly.  Piko smiled at Miku and hugged her. "Thank you, Miku-chan. " He said softly. His eyes wandered back up to the stairs. Will those guys be my friends? The young Vocaloid Thought with a small frown.


Hey guys! I'm starting this story and I just want to say that I will actually update this unlike the others, which I took down. I know that Piko came out before Oliver but for the sake of the story let's just say that it's opposite, kay? Cool. Another chapter will be up tomorrow!

Until I see you all again,


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