Chapter 2

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Piko smiled as he was led to the guest room by a Vocaloid named Mayu. He bowed shyly. "Th-Thank you" He whispered.

  The young girl smiled and nodded. "Anytime Piko!" She smiled, holding her stuffed bunny close.

  Piko walked inside the room, his eyes widening. For a guest room, it sure was big. There was a small sitting area, a full bathroom, a king sized bed, and a flat screen television. He put his suitcase down and smiled. So far, today had been a good day. All of the Vocaloids were really nice! He let out a content sigh. 

  Len sighed as he sat in his room, on his bed with Oliver and Kaito. They were all currently being scolded by Rin,Luka, and Meiko for not welcoming the new guy. Len's thoughts drifted back to the kid. His age looked to be around 13 or 14. Though they all knew he was only a few days old. 

  He began to get annoyed with the scolding. It wasn't their fault that they had a bad day and then another guy Vocaloid who could possibly take their fans came in. He growled and rolled his eyes. "Yes! We get it! Can you guys just leave already?! Who gives a crap if we upset the new guy?! He's the reason we even had a bad day!" Len suddenly cried, silencing the three girls.

  Everyone looked at Len a bit startled. He never really yelled unless it was necessary or someone truly annoyed him or on the rare occasions, he got mad.  

  Rin sighed and frowned. "Len..." She murmured.

"Out. The three of you get out" Len said pointing to Rin, Luka, and Meiko. The three females looked at each other before they left. It would be pointless to stay while Len was annoyed. As the door closed, Len lied back on the bed. They shouldn't even be mad at us. It's his fault. He thought bitterly.

  "Len, maybe they're right... I mean he has no idea what he even did" Oliver spoke softly, not wanting to annoy the older blonde more. This caused Len to look at Oliver in disbelief. "That doesn't matter! Did you see how he looked?! We're going to have to work harder now  to compete with him. Not to mention the fact that Master is extremely upset with me because I didn't sing the way he wanted me too" He said, sounding very frustrated. 

  He sighed and turned on his side, looking at the wall. He knew this wasn't Piko's fault of course. He said before, he was having a bad day. He sighed for the umpteenth time that day. "Len..." Kaito trailed off and sighed. He hated seeing anyone frustrated like this. "Come here Len-kun" Kaito murmured patting his lap.

  Len frowned but crawled into the older Vocaloid's lap. He nuzzled into the blunette's chest, finding comfort in the gentle embrace. It was no secret that both Len and Oliver had became attached to Kaito. It was almost a daily occurrence to see either one or both of the blondes curled up to the blue-haired man. No one ever thought anything of it though. To everyone, it looked looked like an older brother taking care of his younger brothers. That's exactly what it was too...for the most part.

  Kaito held the young boy close and let him nuzzle him. In a matter of moments both boys were nuzzling into Kaito while he sang softly to them.  Len seemed to calm down at the sound of the older Vocaloid's voice and sighed. "I guess I was a bit harsh....but that doesn't mean I like the guy." The older blonde grumbled. 

  Kaito smiled and lied down with the two blondes. "No one said you had to like him.....Just be nice" He said with a gentle smile.

   Rin walked in the room a few hours later and smirked at the sight of the three males sleeping and cuddling each other. I wonder if Piko will add to the yaoi fest that's starting...I hope so! The blonde girl thought as she left the room, closing the door gently behind her.1

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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