The Fire

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Estella woke before dawn and got dressed in the most humbled dress she'd owned but it was still fancier than anything Anne had ever seen except from some of the girls in town. It was similar to what they'd wear in church.
She walked outside and fed as well as milked the cows. Bringin the full buckets to the porch. She then collected the chicken eggs and set them on the porch as well. She wasn't yet sure where everything went.
She went to the barn and fed the horses and pigs before taking one horse out and grabbing a brush from one of the ledges of the stall and began to brush said horse out. She hummed quietly to herself when a boy walked in.
"Uhm ello?" He said seeing her. She jumped and turned.
"Hello." She replied.
"Who are you?" He then asked. His accent was without a doubt French.
"My names Estella I'm Anne's sister." She said smiling politely at the boy.
"Super encore un, au moins celui-ci est joli" (Great another one, at least this one's pretty) he mumbled and Estella raised her eyebrows.
"Merci, quel est ton nom" (Thank you, what is your name?) she said back in perfect French he looked at her like she was crazy.
"J-Jerry." He stuttered.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Monsieur Jerry." She said and he smiled.
"You t-too." He stuttered and climbed up the ladder to the second floor of the barn to do his work.
She finished brushing the horses humming the same tune and then walked back to the house.
"Oh Estella! I was wondering where you'd gone off to so early and where the Milk and Eggs had come from." Marilla said smiling as the girl took off her shoes.
"Please excuse my absence Miss Cuthbert, I usually get a head start on chores before the sun is up, the kids I looked after had finishing lessons first thing after breakfast." Estella said her head down in shame.
"Oh not to worry dear, you need not excuse yourself, it was a very kind surprise this morning and has helped me a great deal. It's been getting hard to milk the cows and bend over to fetch the eggs first thing in the morning in my older age." Marilla smiled and assured Estella.
"Would you like any help making breakfast?" She asked and Marilla nodded with a smile.
Estella toasted the bread and spread butter on one and covered it in sugar. The rest of them were covered in jam.
Marilla looked at her and gave Estella a confused look.
"For Anne. I always used to make hers like this." She explained and Marilla nodded smiling.
Anne woke up just as breakfast was finished.
"Anne breakfast!" Marilla called her downstairs.
"Coming!" She yelled excitedly remembering Estella was there.
Matthew walk down the steps and took his seat.
Anne ran down the steps after finishing her hair.
She sat next to her sister and hugged her then looked at the food in front of her. Scones toast and an egg.
She took a double take at the toast.
"Estella helped with breakfast?" She said her eyes brimmed tears.
"Yes dear." Marilla replied.
Anne hugged Estella again and began to eat.
They all finished and Marilla and Anne went outside to fetch a bucket of water from the well.
Marilla instructed Estella to get ready to go to town. Anne had begged Marilla to go but Marilla argued someone needed to look after Matthew.
Jerry got their horse ready and the two set off.
"So why is Anne not going to school?" Estella asked breaking the silence after a few moments.
"She's been having trouble fitting in." Marilla said sadly.
"Yes that's expected with her. Has she not made a single friend?" Estella asked.
"She has one good friend Diana Berry but she hasn't seen her since she left school. She was gossiping about a fellow student and the teacher, about them having "intimate relations" I don't blame her, the things she's been through to know about such things at her delicate age. I've tried to explain this to the family who's daughter it was about but they don't seem to want to forget. She also smacked a boy Gilbert Blythe over the head with her slate then ran out of the schoolhouse." Marilla explained everything.
"She did what?" Estella wasn't believing what she was hearing.
"It's true. She hasn't been back to school since and fibbed about it. We had the minister come by yesterday a few hours before you arrived and asked his guidance." Marilla assured her it was true.
"And what did the Minister say?" Estella asked.
"That I should teach her the duties of a wife." Marilla said unhappy with the advice.
"Well based on your tone I expect you aren't necessarily thrilled with that idea." Estella said knowingly.
"I just wish the best for Anne, I don't believe she'd be happy just being a wife. She has such a bright and nimble mind that I don't believe should go to waste on baking pastries and following a man around. 'Yes dear, no dear, I will right now.' It doesn't suit her personality." She explained.
"Yes I agree. Maybe I can talk some sense into her and get her to go back with me." Estella suggested.
"That was going to be my next question. Would you?" Marilla asked feeling relieved.
"Of course." She replied smiling.
"So tell me about yourself, what do you like to do for fun, favorite things, etc." Marilla asked.
"Uhm I'm not really one for necessarily fun, my life has been devoted to caring for Anne as well as children. So I suppose I like to care for children. My favorite thing is baking, but my imagination is much like Anne's only I know how to hold my tongue and separate imagination from reality." She explained. Marilla nodded understanding.
"Well I'm glad you're here." She said after a moment and they went back to a. Comfortable silence.
"Now this is Avonlea, Matthew and I grew up here, most things you can find here in the stores however were only an hour train ride from Charlottetown so anything else you can't find here will be there. Because you're still young you'll need a chaperone when coming into town or you'll need to be with me." Marilla explained and Estella nodded.
"Good day Miss Cuthbert, Anne." Someone said as they walked by but they stopped in their tracks.
"You're not Anne." They turned back around.
"No Ma'am my name is Estella I'm Anne's older sister." She said politely.
"Estella this is Mrs. Gillis, her daughter Ruby will be going to school with you." Marilla introduced them.
"Pleasure to meet you Mrs Gillis." Estella said smiling and nodding at the woman.
"Pleasure to meet you as well Estella. I wasn't aware Anne had a sister." She said looking at Marilla.
"Neither were we but she's here now and that's all that matters." Marilla said smiling.
"Well I can see your better mannered than your sister already. Let's hope you'll not spread gossip like her as well." Mrs Gillis suddenly remembered who she was talking to.
Marilla was about to say something when Estella's back straightened.
"Well Mrs Gillis, I believe gossip about one's personal life is wicked and frowned upon. However, if it had been your daughter that had said those things, after someone outside your family exposed her to said things at a young age, you'd have a different perspective on the matter at hand. My sister has suffered enough trauma before coming to Green Gables she does not deserve to be treated like an outsider. Let's just thank God she's finally found a safe haven here at Green Gables, I know I will." Estella said to the woman in front of her.
"Yes I suppose you're right." Estella got Mrs Gillis thinking.
"Well I better be going, good day Miss Cuthbert, good day Estella." She said and walked to her carriage that was waiting for her. There was a girl in the back who was staring at them a look of confusing across her face.
That must've been Ruby.
"Well." Marilla said looking at Estella.
"That was quite enlightening and I believe Mrs Gillis thought the same." Marilla smiled and Estella smiled back. They continued walking to the store with school supplies.
They bought a new slate some chalk, the required books as well as 3 notebooks and 2 pencils.
"Would you like to get some lunch before we head home?" Marilla asked and Estella nodded.
"Good day Miss Cuthbert." Estella heard someone behind her say as they sat down.
Both had ordered tea the same way.
"Good day Mrs Andrews." Marilla replied.
"I've just had a very interesting conversation with Mrs Gillis." She said and Estella raised her eyebrows. She'd not been acknowledged yet so she stayed silent and faced forward, sipping her tea.
"Did you now?" Marilla asked.
"Yes. Isn't this child going to acknowledge me? I am speaking." She said confused as to why Estella hadn't turned around.
"Forgive me ma'am I wasn't aware you were speaking to me. So I didn't want to insert myself into a conversation that didn't involve me." Estella turned around and looked up at the woman.
Mrs Gillis was right Estella was a beautiful young woman. Mrs Andrews thought to herself.
"My apologies for not acknowledging you when we first arrived." Mrs Andrews said looking at her.
"Mrs Andrews this is Anne's older sister Estella. Estella Mrs Andrews. Her three children will also be going to school with you." Marilla introduced them.
"Well from what Mrs Gillis tells me your a lot better mannered and respectable than your sister. I hope you don't also make the mistake of slandering my daughters good name." Mrs Andrews said in a snobby tone.
"Well Mrs Andrews, my sister is young and like I told Mrs Gillis if it had been the other way around and your daughter had been exposed to such atrocities, as Anne has been against her will, you might have a different perspective on the matter, however I'd like to formally apologize for the discomfort your daughter and family have been put through due to Anne's lack of self control when it comes to gossip. I just thank God she has finally found a safe haven with Marilla and Matthew. Good day to you." Estella said telling her off like she had to Mrs Gillis before turning around and going back to sipping her tea.
"Mom can we leave? It smells like perfume and candle wax in here, plus I need a new baseball glove." Estella heard a boy acknowledge Mrs Andrews.
"Yes Billy we're about to leave." She said.
"It was nice to meet you Estella." Mrs Andrews then said.
Estella turned around respectfully and properly.
"It was nice to meet you too Mrs Andrews." Estella said nodding her head at the woman.
She nodded back and turned.
"Mom who is that? Mom? Mother? Can I go talk to her?" The boy questioned as they walked to the door. He had been looking at her since he heard his mother say it was nice to meet her. He had only caught a glimpse of her face but he was entranced.
"You'll see her at school Billy." Was all his mother said before they walked out.
Estella and Marilla finished their lunch before they walked out and back to their horse and carriage.
They went home in silence.
"Estella!" Anne said running up to her sister and hugging her.
"I've had the most beautiful daydream!" She announced.
"Estella I'll take your things up to your room why don't you and Anne catch up." Marilla suggested and Estella nodded.
"What things?" Anne asked when Marilla went inside.
"I've decided to finish my practical schooling." Estella explained.
"Oh Ella you'll hate it there the girls are so terribly dreadful we'll all except Diana of course she's splendid but the rest are wicked they'll make fun of you for your hair and freckles, even though you're far more beautiful than me. That's what they did to me and this boy Gilbert Blythe he's unbearable he called me Carrots and pulled my hair and got me in trouble. Oh it's just awful there." Anne said dramatically as they walked.
"Well Anne you failed to mention that you spread gossip about a girl you hardly know about things you don't really know about, and you smacked Gilbert Blythe across the face with a slate because he was 'making fun of you' and yes he might've been but if you had any sense you'd realize he was only trying to get your attention." Estella explained.
"I-I how did you know all that?" Anne asked confused tears brimmed her eyes.
"Well Anne I'm your sister I know everything that goes on whether you like it or not." Estella explained.
"Nevermind that but it really is awful there you'll feel like an outcast." Anne tried to reason with her sister.
"I wouldn't if you came back with me." Estella suggested.
"I'm never going back. They hate me!" Anne yelled crying now. Anne ran back to the house and straight to her room.
"It didn't go as planned I expect?" Marilla asked when Estella came back.
"Not in the slightest but she'll come around." Estella said confidently.
"Well let's get dinner started." Marilla said and Estella nodded with a smile.
Anne was silent the entirety of dinner. Matthew and Estella made small respectable talk and got to know one another a bit more.
Estella did the dishes and then excused herself to bed.
She slept comfortably for a few hours when she heard a bell ringing in the distance. She woke up to Anne freaking out.
"Stella what's happening what is that?!" Anne asked panicked.
"There's a fire in town." Estella said.
"Grab your coat and shoes, meet me and Marilla downstairs." Estella instructed and Anne nodded doing as told.
"Estella grab as many buckets as you can find well slop the pigs on our way." Marilla said when Estella came down. Her hair was in tight curls it's natural state and even though she'd just woken it framed her face perfectly.
Estella did as told and put the buckets in the wagon.
"Matthew and Jerry are already on their way to help. We'll meet them there." Marilla said and Estella pushed Anne to the front seat and she got in the back holding down the buckets.
"This is the Gillis house." Marilla said as they arrived.
"Oh poor Ruby." Anne said sympathetically.
Estella grabbed 4 buckets inside each other in each hand and ran to the fire wagon.
She handed the buckets to Jerry and went back to Marilla.
"Anne!" She heard someone yell.
"Diana!" Anne hugged the raven haired girl.
"Is everyone out?" Anne asked.
"They should be. That's Mr and Mrs Gillis over there and Ruby and her two sisters and her baby sister is..." Diana looked around.
"I don't see her." Diana said confused.
Mrs Gillis was crying on her knees and Mr Gillis was trying to hold her from going back inside.
"She's inside." Estella said under her breath.
She looked at Mrs Gillis who'd seen her from the corner of her eye she had a desperate look on her face.
"What?" Anne asked looking at her sister.
"The baby's inside." Estella said and sprinted past her sister who now knew what she was going to do.
"Stell! Estella no!" Anne screamed and tried to run after her as Estella ran into the house. Diana stopped her.
Marilla went to run after her as well but Rachel Lynde stopped her.
"No I have to get Estella!" Marilla replied still fighting her friend.
The girl ran up the stairs she couldn't hear the baby crying but she also could only hear the fire roaring around her. She listened More closely she stood in a doorway and finally heard the baby.
"Anne?" She heard someone say from the window.
She turned and looked at the boy.
He had dark brown hair.
"You're not Anne..." he said.
She ignored him and ran toward the crying baby.
She stopped to listen again in another doorway.
"Hey get outta there! The house is on fire if you didn't notice!" She heard a different voice from a different window.
She rolled her eyes at the boy and looked at him.
He had blonde hair and blue eyes, she stared at him for a second before the baby started crying again.
She ran towards the room at the end of the hallway.
She busted open the burning door and ran to the cradle. The baby was unharmed.
She picked up the baby carefully and ran to the doorway. Closing the door behind her.
She ran past all the doors and closed them.
She went to room of the window the second boy had been in after she closed every door and window in the house stuffing sheets and clothes in the bottom.
The boy was still there throwing water into the room.
He saw her again.
"Didn't I tell you to get out of there?!" He yelled as he got another bucket.
"Come on!" He said waving his hand at her.
The floor was all on fire and there was a large hole in between them.
She closed the door and he threw the water on the ground in front of her careful not to soak her.
He held his hand out to her indicating she needed to jump.
She held the baby tightly against her chest with one arm and backed as far as she could without catching on fire.
Then she ran and jumped over the large hole and his hand grabbed hers pulling her away from the edge of the hole she'd just jumped over and barely made it.
"Everyone off the ladder!" He yelled down and the people below him listened.
He helped her out the window and picked her up with one arm. She held the baby now with two hands close to her chest trying to get her to stop crying.
The boy carried her down the ladder and set her on the ground. She collapsed and he picked her up once more. She wrapped her legs around him so it was easier.
He motioned for the other boys to get back on the ladder and continue to fight the fire.
It had slowed down tremendously when she'd closed all the doors and windows.
The boy carried her to the fire wagon and set her down on it. His legs were in between hers and she brought the baby down from her chest carefully. It had fallen asleep in her arms.
"Mrs Gillis!" She yelled to the woman on the ground not far away from her.
Mrs Gillis popped her head up and Estella waved her over.
"Oh my word." Rachel Lynde said pointing at Estella.
Marilla looked as did Anne and Diana.
They saw Estella sitting on the wagon baby in arms and Billy Andrews in front of and close to her.
Mrs Gillis ran to the two and Billy moved out of her way.
"I believe she belongs to you." Estella said showing Mrs Gillis the baby's untouched face.
Estella's nightgown had been singed specifically at her arms it was clear she'd protected the baby from the flames. Her arms had also been burnt as had part of her chest where the fire had connected with the outside of her arms and chest.
"Oh thank you child thank you thank you thank you." She said taking the baby from her.
Estella smiled.
"Of course Mrs Gillis." She replied smiling.
"Uhm here. Your nightgown has burnt." Billy Andrews said taking off his coat and handing it to her. Just as he was about to put it on her shoulders he was pushed away by Anne and Diana who hadn't even known her. Anne had told Diana of her sister before and Diana already loved her.
They hugged her tightly and pulled her from the fire wagon toward Marilla and Rachel.
"Estella why would you do such a foolish thing as to run into a fire?" Marilla asked hugging her.
"Oh heavens you're hurt." Marilla said pulling back.
"I told you this morning Marilla, I love children. The thought of a baby burning in a fire was too much to bear." Estella explained.
The fire went out as the sun came up.
The minister said a prayer over the family and Mrs Gillis required Estella to stand with them. She held the girls hand tightly.
"Now the Gillis family will be spread about until the repairs are done to myself the Cuthbert's, the Andrews and the Berrys. School will be postponed while the construction is underway." Rachel announced after the prayer.
Ruby was placed with the Cuthberts.
"Mother!" Ruby protested.
"I'll not hear a word of it, you should be grateful to have a bed to sleep in at all, and your house was mostly saved and you baby sister is unharmed thanks to Estella, now she didn't have to do that in the slightest especially at the expense of herself but she did now you will stay there!" Mrs Gillis snapped at Ruby who nodded.
"Miss Cuthbert, may I have a word with your remarkable Estella? We'll have Billy walk her home as well I'm sure you'd like to get Anne and Ruby to bed." Mrs Andrews asked and Marilla raised her eyebrows as she looked at the girl then nodded.
"Yes I suppose that'd be fine." Marilla said and Estella walked away with Mrs Andrews.
"It's Estella right?" A girl asked she looked to be about a year older than her. She looked like Mrs Andrews and sorta like Billy so Estella assumed this was the girl who's name was tarnished by Anne.
"Yes." Estella nodded.
"I'm Prissy Andrews and I just wanted to say what you did was heroic and despite what your sister did to me which is forgiven, because of you, I think you have a wonderful soul and I'd love to be friends with you." Prissy said and the whole ordeal shocked Estella.
"I'd love to be friends with you too." Estella smiled.
Prissy smiled back and introduced her younger sister who was Anne's age as Jane.
"This is my brother Billy but you two have already been acquainted." Prissy said looking at her brother next to her.
"Here's my coat. Like I was trying to say earlier, your nightgown singed." Billy said putting his coat on her shoulders.
"Thank you Billy. I'll return it." She said politely.
He nodded.
"Estella we'd love to have you over for dinner one night soon as a thank you for helping the Gillis family our families are very close and we can't imagine anything happening to anyone of them, tonight you prevented that." Mrs Andrews said and Estella smiled.
"Thank you Mrs Andrews, your kindness is admirable." She said respectfully.
Mrs Andrews smiled at her then at her husband who seemed to be looking Estella over trying to find something to judge her about but he couldn't find anything.
The couple agreed silently that she'd be a perfect match for Billy in the future.
"Now you best be getting home, I expect you're tired. Billy please escort her." Mr Andrews then said and Billy nodded.
"Good day Mr and Mrs Andrews, you as well Prissy and Jane." Estella said and they started walking as the rest of the Andrews bid her the same goodbye.
"Why didn't you listen when I told you to get out of the house?" Billy asked after a minute or two of walking.
"The Gillis's baby was still inside." She replied like it was obvious.
"So? You don't even know them." He replied.
"So that doesn't mean I can't save their baby." She replied again looking at him.
He was already staring down at her.
"Yeah I guess you're right." He said moving slightly closer.
"Thanks for carrying me out of there. I was about to just let you take the baby and leave me." She responded batting her eyelash's in a flirty way unconsciously.
"Yeah no problem, you were really light even with the baby." He replied.
They walked in silence for a few more minutes.
"Are you gonna go to school when it's back in session?" He asked.
"Yes I believe so." She replied.
"Good." He said smirking and she smiled when he said that.
They arrive at the porch of Green Gables not long after.
"Well I'll see you at school Estella..." He started and then took her hand in his.
He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly.
She blushed and smiled.
"See you at school Billy." She said and took off his coat going to hand it back.
"Wait." He held up his hand.
"Why?" She asked confused.
"So you have an excuse to come see me before school starts again. I'll be at the Gillis house for the repairs." He said smirking. He then lifted his hand to her face and wiped soot off her cheek.
She raised her eyebrows but draped the coat over her arms.
"Then I'll see you when I decide to bring back your coat. It's quite warmer than my own." She replied teasingly.
"Very well." He smiled and took a step down.
"See you then." He said and turned.
She waved at him when he turned back around to look at her and he waved back. She turned to walk inside and he watched her open the door quietly, the wind from inside caught the bottom of her nightgown and exposed her legs more. Billy smirked when he saw her quickly push her nightgown back down.
She turned to see if he'd seen it but he turned around quickly with a smile.
She closed the door behind her and went to wash up.
She brought his coat upstairs and hung it on the door to her closet.
She brushed her hair and braided it back.
Changed nightgowns and went to her window.
She could see Billy in the distance, a goofy grin on his face looking back at the house. He caught her looking at him through her window curtains and she waved once more. He waved back with a smile still plastered on his face.
she closed her curtains and got into bed.
She heard Ruby and Anne talking in the next room over.
"All my dresses will be ruined from the smoke." She cried.
"Is that Billy Andrews?" She then asked.
"Yeah he walked Estella home." Anne then said.
"Why won't Gilbert walk me home." She then cried more.
She cried herself to sleep.
Estella walked to Anne's room and quietly opened the door, they were both asleep.
She sat next to Anne on the edge of the bed and pushed her hair back out of her face doing the same to Ruby.
She quietly sung a lullaby, something she'd done to all the kids she'd watched which all caused them to go into a deep slumber.
Most of the time she'd sung it in French as the family she worked for was French and her finishing school was in Paris.
Estella smiled as they both relaxed further and she knew they were in a deep sleep.
She went back to her room and slept herself for a few more hours but was awaken by her own tears. She'd had another nightmare about the night she was kidnapped.
It was the next morning she Anne and Ruby had slept through the day and night.
Estella got dressed in a bright yellow dress with puff sleeves and white ascent bows on the chest and arms and white trim at the hem of the bottom.
She baked muffins for the family plus one and cooked bacon on the stove as well as poured milk for everyone but Matthew and herself, she made coffee for herself and Matthew.
Everyone else awoke and came downstairs right as she'd finished setting the table.
"Estella you didn't have to do this." Marilla said as she sat.
"I wanted to." She replied and they all sat.
Ruby was pretty silent except when Estella talked to her.
"Will you be attending school?" She asked Estella who nodded.
"Can I call you Ella?" Ruby then asked a curious look on her face.
Estella nodded again with a smile.
"We should bake scones for the boys like you suggested Anne." Ruby said just a few minutes later.
"That's a fine idea." Matthew said.
"Well I'll be off hope to see you girls with those scones later." He said smiling as he tipped his hat and left for Ruby's singed home.
"Where'd you get that dress?" Ruby asked after breakfast while they were all sitting in Anne's room.
Anne was day dreaming and talking mostly to herself about someone name Cordelia.
"It was given to me by the family I worked for." She responded.
"You worked for someone?" Ruby asked confused.
"Not willingly, it was for the Cailloux family they have many children and needed help. I was kidnapped after my chaperone was knocked out, and they sent me to the Cailloux's home." Estella explained.
Anne stopped.
"How'd you escape?" Anne asked interested.
"Their eldest daughter was your age. She packed my bag for me and left it in the tree outside their home. Then woke me when her parents and siblings were asleep, told me she loved me and sent me on my way with some money." Estella explained.
"Wow." Ruby said in awe.
"This is one of her dresses. She said she'd write to me when she could and send me a few more dresses in a few weeks. She was my best friend there." Estella asked missing the girl.
"So this is Marina Cailloux's dress?" Ruby said still in awe.
"Yes see her initials are embroidered into the tag." Estella showed her.
Ruby stopped asking questions saying they were best friends now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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