Chapter 1: Confidence and the Arena

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The croud erupts with cheers and applause. Reigan stands in the spotlight, victorious. Once again he had claimed another medal for his online recognition. He had been here before, but he didnt make the same mistake again. He had entered the first contest as a joke, despite reluctance from Mob, and suddenly a large group of anonymous supporters carried him to the top, to his surprise. The newfound fame and fortune sparked a fire inside Reigan's heart. He couldnt let his newfound fans, or himself, down.

Suddenly Reigan had entered every battle in the bookings, most he wasnt even qualified for, hell, he wasnt even qualified for the first and he still managed to win. "Master, im not sure you should be doing this..." often chimed in Mob each time Reigan signed the paperwork. "Relax Mob we'll be fine, this'll work wonders for my reputation, and itll be a real nice boost to our business yeah? Ive won by a landslide countess times before, this time will be no different."
That usually worked to calm the young boys mind, but the more it went on, the more vocal Mob became.

"Master, you said you actually qualified for this one right?" Mob asked as they entered the new arena lobby building. "You'd be right Mob." Reigan spoke with more confidence than ever as he strutted through the doors. "Theres no way I wont be able to win this on-" Suddenly,. Reigan froze in his tracks.

"Master Reigan?" Mob stepped up to him concerned. "Are you alright?" He looked up at him before following his gaze to find a rather laid back skeleton in a blue coat and pink slippers taking a nap on a beanbag chair, while a taller, more responsible seeming skeleton wearing a red cape and a ridiculous outfit was filling all the paperwork.

Mob looked back up to find his masters face as red as a tomato. "Haaaaa-.....Muhh.....guhhhhhh." Reigan sputtered, unable to find his words at the mere sight of the smaller skeleton. There was something about that winter coat, and his general relaxed nature that made Reigans heart melt. "Muh...Muhhhh MOB!" Finally snapping back to reality He grabbled the young lads shoulders and pushed him off to a descreet corner away from the mans gaze

"I-I-I cant do this Mob" Reigan sputtered. "Master we've talked about personal space before." Mob pointed at his shoulders prompting Reigan to readjust himself. "I- he- that man." Reigans face turned bright red again as he began pacing the room out of stress. "Hes....." Reigan started before he froze, he slowly turned over to the clueless Mob. "Oh god" he thought. "How do I tell the kid that the old man he looks up to has a crush on a skeleton." Meanwhile Mob slaps himself square in the middle of his face trying and failing to kill a fly.

"Hes.....too powerful Mob." he gulps and laughs nervously. "What am I thinking!? im supposed to be cool and confident! now what will he think of me!? Goddamnit im in too deep now I just have to go with it..."

"Who are we talking about?" Mob snapped his master out of his dilemma. "I dont get it, you were so confident earlier? Suddenly a sleeping skeleton man and a taller skeleton man makes you question everything? Was there someone else I missed? I thought you didnt want to quit?" Mob spout the questions out faster than Reigan could spit out bullshit answers. Reigan felt he was digging his own grave.

"I could just... sense something about him... He was strong enough that my psychic powers picked up on it." Reigan prayed that this lie would keep Mob at bay. "Wow..." Mob looked down for a second "He must be really strong then!" gawked the young kid as Reigan sighed a breath of relief.
"Lets just hope I dont have to go up against him and someone else before me wipes him out." Reigan left it at that. And the two sat and waited.

A little while after, an announcement rang through the building:

"Attention all fighters. The battle will begin in a few minutes. Please make your way to the arena when your number is called."

"Alright Mob this is it!" Reigan felt himself fill with determination once more. He would surely win this and carry on the legacy he held. He was confident he would take home another medal, make Mob and his adoring fans proud, maybe even win over the heart of that dashing skeleton. All he simply had to do was fight, and let his dedicated voters do all the work for him.

"Would number 145 and number 23 please make their way to the arena, repeat, number 145 and 23 please make your way to the arena."

"Thats me." Reigan stood and turned his head to Mob for a brief moment. "I would ask you to wish me some luck but I dont think id need it." He laughed. "Ill see you later Mob." The younger one gave him a thumbs up as Reigan started towards the arena. He confidently strutted down the hall, passing by a very diverse group of people all waiting for their chance to fight. He ignored the place where the dashing blue skeleton sat as to not cloud his mind again. Though he must have been too proccupied with his thoughts, because he had bumped into a passerby. "Hey pal, watch where youre going" spoke the other voice. "Tsk... youre one to talk pal, I have somewhere to be." Reigan snapped back. He looked behind him to see the other party. Suddenly his heart jumped into his throat.

It was that handsome skeleton. "Heh youve got a lot of nerve buddy." Spoke the small skeleton. "But besides that, are you heading off to fight?" Reigan hesitated nervously before nodding. "Heh.. I actually was looking for you. I just wanted to wish you good luck."

"Looking for me?" Reigan felt his face burn more red by the second. "The man of my dreams actually wanted to talk to me!?" It took him a moment to regain his composure. "We-well, you picked the right person to root for.. I-I, Reigan Arataka, will be crowned the winner by the end of the day! Just you wait!" He gave the skeleton a wink. Trying desperately to hide his shaking knees

The one in blue paused for a second. "Anyways pal.." he held out his hand "the names Sans, Sans the Skeleton." He smiled despite having a permanent smile on his face. Reigan gave a gentle smile back. "Reigan Arataka." he took his hand and was about to shake, not before hearing a loud *ppfffffttrfffffffffffffffff* ring across the room.

"Oh dear god I just shit myself" Reigan felt his whole life flash before his eyes, but was quickly brought back to reality by the laughter of the skeleton.
He revealed his boney hand to show a whoppee cusion meticulously hidden in the crevasses of his hand. "See ya after the fight buddy." The laughter continued as the skeleton walked away.

Reigan stood there for a moment, like a barbie doll, whos kid forgot to return him to a neutral position, still holding his hand out. He twitched with the anger of being foolish enough to let himself be pranked. But also, with a feeling of butterflies deep within. "Hes perfect."

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