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Half the car ride was silent.

Eduardo had kept his eyes on the road most of the time, while occasionally sneaking glances at Mark, who stared out the window.

Eduardo sighed. "So...How are things?..." 

Mark shrugged, and shifted in his seat. "Eh. Normal as you can get in this town."

Ed laughed a bit, not much humor in it. "I feel ya. Are you enjoying Todd's company?.." He figured Mark was going to go on about how Todd is such an amazing person.

Surprisingly, Mark did the opposite. "He keeps throwing seeds and carrots out on the front lawn. It sucks every morning, when I go to get the paper, I gotta wait till the rabbits move."

They both laughed. Everyone besides Todd knew Mark had bad rabbit trauma. Todd didn't seem to understand it, since as he put it, "Everyone loves bunnies!"

"I don't know what you're gonna do when Easter comes around.." Ed remembered back last year, when Mark had locked himself in his room for a week.

"Me either. But I'll manage. Somehow."

There was silence again. Ed snuck another glance at Mark, who was pulled out a comb from nowhere and was combing his hair back, which did nothing because it just sprung back up. Ed sometimes questioned why Mark stuck around.

Mark wasn't a bad looking guy. Perfect blue eyes. Perfect body. Perfect legs. Perfect hands. The only thing that kinda ruined his chance with a girl was his chin.

 Ed remembered how when they graduated high school, Mark wanted to be a father, married or single. It seemed rushed, but Mark was working part time at the grocery store at the time. Ed hated kids, and made it clear when Mark moved in with him. Mark hasn't spoken a word about it since.

Mark would make a good dad though.

"Earth to planet avocado. Did you hear me?"


"You passed the bar, idiot."

Eduardo blinked. They were nearing the edge of town. 

"Dammit. Well. Let me find a spot to turn around at."

As Ed peered around for a place to turn, Mark noticed something glowing near the old graveyard.


Ed, startled, stomped on the breaks. The car skidded to a stop, tires screeching. Mark jumped out, running full speed toward the graves. 

Eddie watched him, then sighed and ran after him. "Slow down, your gonna overheat in that purple death trap of a sweater."

He slowed down when he got to the gates, trying to catch his breath.

Someone screamed, then the sounds of a body impacting to the ground.

Worry filled Eduardo like a faucet. "Mark!?"

"I found a guy, Eddie! He's dressed oddly!"


As Ed got closer to Mark's location, he saw Mark pining down a short male, who was in a jittery, sweaty mess.

"What the fuck is going on?" 

Mark looked up, swishing his hair back. "I found this guy digging up a grave and pouring something into it!"

Ed blinked as the man spoke up, his voice cracking. "It's for my boss! We have a very big plan for you peasants!" 

Peasants? Really? Ed squinted then motioned for Mark to let him go. "This guy is on crack. Let's go." The fog that was also in the air was starting to make him nauseated.

Mark obeyed, letting the man go. He was sure he looked familiar. He'd seen this man on the day Jon....

As he followed Ed, the man grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close. His name tag read "Pat" "Your world is gonna come to an end soon. But we can spare some of you. Your combat skills are interesting. Would you be interested in joining the Red Army?"

Mark blinked. Red Army?..

Eduardo's strong hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "Quit talking voodoo to MY Mark."

HIS Mark?!

"Mark? Is that your name?"

"No, his name is Alexander! Come on, Alex!" Ed tugged Mark away, muttering to himself.

Mark's brain swam with questions. What's the Red Army? Why did Eddie call him his?

Once they settled in the car, Mark turned to Eddie. "What did you mean by 'Your Mark'"?

Eddie started the car. "Well, you're my roommate. Had to make that clear. That guy was on crack, am I right?" He laughed.

Mark chuckled nervously. He felt a lie somewhere in Eddie's sentence. He also had a bad feeling about that Pat guy..

He was just on crack....


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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