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It was pathetic, and he felt terrible for it every time.

But the need grew anyway. It was not mindful of his embarrassment, or the way that it ruined his appetite.

Too soon- it became too much.

And Minho was unable to stop the pull.

If it wasn't appeased, it would consume him.

He'd grown up with strict but loving parents.

Neither of them were touchy, because neither of their parents had been touchy either. The first time he remembered being hugged was at a funeral, and the action had filled him with blushing life.

Every hug after, was carefully catalogued in his mind.

The touch of another person.

It was exquisite.


An unfamiliar emotion.

The members were all quite touchy with each other- but he supposed they could sense it on him or something. He had an air about him. All of them could tell how uncomfortable skinship made him.

Minho didn't like holding hands. He didn't want to be leaned on, or massaged, or pet like an animal. He never reacted well. Every muscle he had would just tense up under their hands and they'd pull away.

But he was human. And he did want to be touched, no matter how his body reacted.

There wasn't anyone he could trust though- except Felix.

Felix never gave up on him. He still reached out to cup his face even though the elder always shrank back. Still squeezed at his waist and leaned his soft cheek on Minho's shoulder.

So as a choice, he'd been obvious.

When Minho was down or all messed up, he'd come to him and ask for a hug and the younger never made him feel strange or weird about it.

So, he wasn't too worried when that itching started back up under his skin.

He'd only wondered if he'd make it through the night or if he should go before it got too late.

As soon as he lay in bed, he knew he wouldn't last.

Felix was in bed as well, staring at his phone. Minho knocked on the wall with one knuckle.


"Hey hyung."

Minho usually didn't need to ask anymore these days. He just made a kind of nervous face and Felix usually got it.

"Oh. Come here." The blankets were pulled back and Minho snuggled in against his chest, immediately calmed by the warmth wrapping back around him.

Felix's deep voice was vibrating directly into his ear where he pressed it against his neck. "You're okay. Everything is fine. I love you. Hmm? I love you so much."

Minho didn't understand a lot of the English, but he'd gleaned an understanding that it was all good from the smile in his voice and the soothing lilt.

The rapper's hand brushed heavy over his back and up into the hair on the back of his head, leaving trails of goosebumps in their wake.

"You are doing so good hyung. Everyone is so proud of you. I love you, you know? I love you a lot."

Minho usually got very sleepy, mumbling back tiny 'yes's and 'I love you too's to keep the words coming. He'd wake up an hour later, or occasionally in the middle of the night, and head back to his own room with his tail between his legs.

TouchyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon