Kazutora's POV

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A few weeks has passed and several of the inmates that were in the same support class had already received their letters. I sighed softly as I looked at the sky, it was pretty lonely. Only having the other inmates to talk to. Which wasn't exactly that entertaining. I wondered what the other's were doing. I guess this is part of my punishment though. I wonder if someone chose me as their penpal. It would certainly make this a lot less lonely, and maybe they can help me get my sanity back.

The guard came out and before he even yelled I made my way back inside, heading to the support group. Since I had nothing else to do, I wanted to see if I could get started a bit early. I knocked on the door, and Ms. Fujioka opened it and looked at me shocked.

"Oh Kazutora~ is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah... uhm, I just came straight here since it was right after."

"Come on in..."

"Thank you, I was wondering..."

"If someone chose you as a penpal?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes." She smiled at me and I blushed slightly and she held up a letter to me. My eyes widened, as she handed it to me.


"Yepp, the person who chose you is from over seas. So it took awhile for it to get to you."

"I see..."

"Go ahead and read it and start writing them back. I am sure they are waiting anxiously."

I nodded my head and went to the back of the room. The room started to flood in with the other inmates but I was too deep into reading the letter.

'She has a pretty name, I wonder where she is from.' I couldn't help but think. I instantly began to write my own letter back.

Dear (L/N),

First, I want to thank you for choosing me. I starting to think no one wanted to write to me, which I can't blame them. But it makes sense if you aren't from Japan. I wonder, where are you from? Since you don't speak Japanese well, (I am not saying it bad you mentioned it in your letter!) you have to be from another country. I am not too interesting really. My favorite color is yellow, my hobby... erm I- nothing normal really... I don't wanna scare you... so I will leave that gruesome fact out. My favorite food is anything really. I am not all that picky when it comes to food. Especially with being in jail. I was part of several gangs, but I don't think that will really leave a good impression of me. Does it? I did some terrible things, obviously for me to be in here for 10 years. I honestly don't know what to say, I am sorry. I may have not been a good choice to write. But I would love to keep receiving your letters! Even if I am not all that good with expressing myself. I do like animals, and when I was out of jail I could always be found on roofs with no railings. It's just so relaxing... it was my safe place I guess you can say. What about you? Do you have a favorite spot? Can't wait to hear from you soon, assuming I didn't scare you away already.


Kazutora Hanemiya

I nodded my head after reading it over several of times, before putting it in the envelope. I copied her address down with a smile before adding my own address to the envelope.

"So, finally got you a letter?" Toshiaki asked and I looked up at him.


"So, what is there name?"

"Her name is (L/N) (Y/N), I have no idea where she is from though."

"No way, you have a girl?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I am assuming she is a girl, by her name. But I could be wrong."

"It does sound like a female name." Toshi mumbled.


"I can't tell if it's a guy or girl, they didn't say. But they are from here."

"Oh, explains why you received it so fast."


"Okay, guys, you can keep your letters if you want. But we will be taking pictures. Just in case you want to incase a picture in your letters at a later date. Up to you guys of course." Ms. Fujioka said. Everyone lined up and we got out pictures taken one at a time, I should have asked for a photo of her. But I will when we get to know each other more. I don't know why I felt so nervous sending this letter, since it wasn't anything major.

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