chapter i.

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☆ 20 August 2021 ☆ Paris, France ☆

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☆ 20 August 2021  Paris, France 

The cruel Parisian sun beats down on the stoned pathway, soaking up everything in sight. Summers in Paris aren't typically as harsh as summers along the countryside but this year proves to be different.

Normally, I spent the summertime on the vineyard with Casen, helping him harvest the berries for production. However, this year is unlike summers from the past. This spring I received my certificate degree for directing and cinematography from one of Europe's most prized programs.

Even though I made amazing connections throughout my program, staying on the vineyard wasn't going to do anything for my career. So I packed up everything I own and transferred it all out here to Paris, the city of love and well my dreams.

In the end I could've moved to Los Angeles to pursue my professional career but I couldn't imagine leaving Casen permanently. Nor could I do the same with France.

Since I was 12 years old it's just been Casen and I, our parents not really taking on the role of parents. The two people who created us were never meant to last but for some unknown reason they lasted for us. Well, they tried to at least.

My father left when I was about seven and mama followed behind at 12, that's how it's just been Casen and I. With him being three years older than me it wasn't easy watching him provide for us at the mere age of 15 but he did it with courage and strength.

Casen is my best friend, biggest supporter and shoulder to cry on, all rolled up in one. When he turned 17 he started working at an older vineyard that was on the brink of bankruptcy. Casen managed to help the owner turn it around and in return he was left the property when Mr. Thomas passed away.

Since then Casen has taken the vineyard to new and improved levels. Building a wine and dine restaurant from the ground up, launching their new brand of wine and seltzers and opening up the grounds to the public.

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