It's Karl...

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Ello beautiful's/handsome's/ Lovely good looking ppl! Hope ya'll are doin good. This is a random chapter I had time to do bc I have school and a bunch of fucking homework- AnYwAyS ummm yeah so enjoy! Btw in this chapter let's pretend like he has one life in this timeline. If he dies here he dies in this timeline. He will be transported to another timeline and be forced to restart. Sapnap and Quackity only know that if he dies he dies forever.

Sapnap's Pov:

"You know you're not too bad at this for someone like you" George commented. "Ok listen it was ONE time I burnt the forest down, and maybe almost killed you with the axe... and chopped a bunny in half...." I replied, my voice getting lower as I started to realize maybe I am bad at collecting wood.... After some uncomfortable silence George muttered, "Hey Sap...." . "Yeah" I answered. "Have you spoken to Dream recently?" He asked. "Well I mean doesn't seem like he would care anyways....Tommy told me that Dream made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with me." George nodded as he grabbed a rope and started gathering the wood. I got ready to swing my big axe at the tree, suddenly I heard a voice.

 "SAP, Q, GUYS, ANYONE HELP PLEASE QUICK SOMEONE" a voice I knew, Tubbo.  "TUBBO, I'M HERE TURN TO THE LEFT AND YOU'LL SEE ME" I shouted out hoping the kid heard me. I saw the ram hybrid running towards me as George rushes to him. "Tubbo, Tubbo please calm down" George said softly grabbing Tubbo by the shoulder. "Whats wrong?" George asks. "I-It-" The kid takes a deep breath and proceeds "It's Karl...". Those words hit me like a bullet. "H-he's in the library and he NEEDS help, also Tommy's w-with him" he says. I swing my axe violently at the tree as I start running. I take out my phone and press on Quackity's number. The sound of my phone ringing filled my thoughts. Then the call was declined. 'God why is life so FUCKING HARD' I thought. I called again. I reached and it's like my fears came true. 

I saw Karl lying half dead at the door of the library, Tommy was next to him pressing on his blood filled chest. My phone lets out a long beep and ends the call. "Fuck Quackity please answer" I mutter. I run to Karl as Tommy explains what happened. "He wrapped the bandage with some random tape, it didn't hold probably re-opening the cut." Karl lets out a soft breath as a red liquid oozed out of his dry mouth. 'Fuck'. I call Quackity as I put my finger on his neck checking his pulse. I don't feel anything. I take off my top shirt (he's still in a black turtle-neck) and tightly wrap it around his wound. I tell Tommy to press on the wound. I grab his hand and check for a pulse nothing. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no" I whisper tears making my vision blurry. Tears drop onto Karls pale, tired face. I immediately place my hands on his chest and start chest compressions. Then I hear a voice...

Quackity's Pov:

"Hey Will I think it's ummm like important" I say looking at the man taking out the cigarette from his mouth. "Eh probably a clingy full grown man but you know what he's your fiancé" He replies. I nod as I take a chug from my beer and pick up my phone answering the call. "Heyy mannn how are ya?" I may have had one too many beers. "Are you drunk- ok you know what never mind just come quickly it's urgent." I hear. "What's more importa-" "IT'S KARL HE'S HURT OK JUST COME." "Thanks for the beer Will" I look at Wilbur picking up my coat and putting down the beer. "Hey why so early" he looks back at me. "It's Karl and it seems u-urgent" I respond. 

I'm pretty sure I'm drunk but sober enough to react. I hope into my car and turn on the engine. I can't focus and my minds in fifty different places. Sap tells me he's at the library. I go as fast as I could. I feel like throwing up. The alcohol really took a toll on me. I finally reach the site. It took a sec to process what was going on. Sap was preforming CPR on a bloody Karl. Tommy was sitting on the side assisting Sapnap. "KARL PLEASE STAY WITH ME, PLEASE" I heard the man scream in agony as tears rushed down his face like a water fall. My vision went blurry as I felt the cold water rush down my face. Without thinking my I started running towards them. 

"KARL" I cried looking at the boy resting peacefully, but he wasn't sleeping, he wasn't breathing, he was dead. "SAP DEEPER YOU NEED TO GO DEEPER" I yelled as I approached the scene. I tell Sap to stop as I reach in for my pocket knife and immediately start cutting through they boys hoodie. I move it out of the way and start CPR. "Tommy how long has he been here for." I ask. "About h-half an hour. He d-dropped while m-me and T-tubbo were w-walking and his heart s-stopped a bit after Sapnap c-came." I start pushing into his chest my fingers intertwined. After thirty beats I preform mouth to mouth and repeat. "Fuck KARL PLEASE" I whisper. Soft sobs escape my mouth as I look at my love. I go faster and deeper and do another mouth to mouth. I see George and Tubbo running towards us with a first aid kit. "WHAT THE HELL- KARL..." George runs towards us. 

Sapnap's Pov:

I grab the boys cold hand and start kissing it. I hold it to my heart. "Please Karl.... me and Q need you" I mutter under my breath. I let out a loud scream. "KARL PLEASE NO" I sobbed as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Sap we're not gonna lose Karl we're gonna save him ok" George says. I don't know what to do at this point. He's dead...

Quackity's Pov:

It's been about ten minutes and nothing. I grabs Karl's other hand and put it at my heart and cry. I cry like I've never cried before. I put my head on his heart. Tears ran down my face filling his chest with water. I stay there realizing what happened. Then I heard something.

Karls Pov: 

"Did I scare ya?" I say and let out a weak chuckle. "KARL" I hear Sap and Q scream. Tommy and Tubbo look at me relief painting their faces. George looks at me smiling. I smile trying to lighten up the mood. George picks up the wrap from the first aid. "Next time you try to take care of a wound like this don't use some cheap tape and don't do it by yourself ok" he says as he takes off the shirt wrapped around the cut. He attends to the wound and cleaned it up. He took out a pill and gave it to me. I took it as I felt it go sown my dry throat. It hurt. "I suggest you close your eyes" says George as he holds up a needle. "Wtf are you gonna do with that" I say horror filling my face. I sounded like a dead person, maybe because I was dead like two minutes ago. I grab Quackity's hand and squeeze it. Sapnap put's his hand over my eyes. George starts stitching it but I don't really feel anything. "How are you so good at this?" I ask. "Well when me Sap and umm Dream would go training, and Sap and Dream would always find a way to come out half dead" he says chuckling towards the end. He cleans up the access blood and wraps around the wound with the bandage/ wrap thing. "Ah" I wince. Quackity's tear stained face looks at me "K-Karl I thought y-you were d-dead." "Well I'm not" I say my voice weak and barley audible. After George and Quackity finished up Sap picked me up bridal style. "Thanks guys especially Tubbo and Tommy if you hadn't found me I would've been dead. Sorry for the mini heart attack." I thank everyone as we get in the car. 

Sapnap goes to drive since Quackity's a bit drunk. Quackity grabs onto me and hugs me. "Don't scare me like that again" he whispers. Sap looks at me and starts talking "btw Karl you owe me and Q a full fucking explanation of what happened." "Someones pissed" Quackity jokes. "But seriously Karl you can't keep coming home half dead with no explanation." "I know Quacks, sorry to both of you. I'll tell you guys when we get home I'm really tired" I wasn't lying when I said I was tired but I don't really know what excuse I'll say. I'll probably just say some random shit and hope for the best. 

Ello 1520 words lol. Anywayyyyys umm yeah thanks for reading. It's kinda rushed but yk lol. I have three tests next week, yay!!!! Lemme just get ready to fail dem. So yeah. It's kinda a filler chapter in a way while I think of what Karl's gonna tall them lol. Take care!!!!

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