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Place in THROAM timeline (SPOILERS): This AU takes place in the early spring of 1967, roughly a month before Brendon's sixteenth birthday. He ran away from home in late summer 1966. After having lived in Flagstaff, working at a barber shop, rumours started going around and he thought it best to run for it. He's back on the road for now, but will settle down in Omaha later on in 1967. He finally moves to San Francisco in 1972, after years of drifting and of enduring homophobia, verbal abuse and occasional physical abuse, but the hardships will eventually turn him into a strong, independent individual – who is also embittered for life. For imaginary timetravelling!Ryan, this takes place after THROAM Vol.2 – II, so after he and Brendon have ended their affair, Brendon going back to Shane, leaving Ryan in a heartbroken mess


When Brendon hands the cigarette back, pressing into my side, all warm and post-coital, he adds, "I cried the first time. Well, not during but after. It hurt like a bitch."

"I'm not gonna fucking cry," I note disbelievingly.

"I'd rather you didn't," he jokes, causing me to roll my eyes. His expression turns more serious. "I was fifteen myself. Didn't know the guy. He'd given me a ride, and it just happened. He was in his mid-thirties, I think. Married. He got us a gritty motel room. Damn squeaky bed," he lists, eyes slightly glassy as he thinks back to it. "He didn't last long, thankfully." He doesn't look at me, like maybe he's embarrassed. Like I'd judge him at this point.

- Vol.1 – II: Chapter 8

He Acts Like We Never Have Met (I Don't Believe You) (THROAM!AU)Where stories live. Discover now