Chapter six

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Sam laughed after hearing his brother's words and gave him a quick hug, unlike most brothers their age they did it a lot because of their absent parents. It was why Sam made a wish that Dean would never leave him alone like they always did, but after this heart to heart Sam knew that he didn't need to wish. Dean was always going to be here even if he didn't want him to be, so after teasing his big brother about how they were having a chick-flick moment.

"Yeah there is going to be none of that bitch," Dean said, pushing his brother away and Sam faked being hurt. "No chick-flick moments."

"Lighten up you jerk, it's Christmas, or else I'm getting you the Scrooge hat I saw the other day." Sam responded.

"Come on, let's go." Dean laughed, the brothers walked downstairs and enjoyed the rest of their party. A few hours later, the party was slowly dying down and the brothers were in the middle of cleaning the house when Nova decided to make another appearance at the same time Sam had gone into the kitchen to help Ellen out. Seeing her chance, she walked over to Dean causing him to turn around and before he could even think, Nova smashed her lips against his. The two were locked in a passionate kiss that Dean had a hard time pulling away from. With Dean briefly distracted, Nova had placed something in his pocket. The two pulled away instantly and Dean had been breathing heavily. "What was that for?"

"Sorry Dean, I had to do it," Nova said. "I couldn't contain myself. I'll see you later, handsome." Nova winked at him before leaving the house. Dean turned to find his brother staring coldly at him.

"Sam-" Dean started but Sam ignored him and took off upstairs, Dean called after him but all words fell to deaf ears. So much for she meant nothing to me, an angry Dean scolded Nova for making a scene but she burst into a fit of tears claiming that she didn't do it on purpose. "Oh quit your crying, get out before I have you thrown out myself," Nova's demeanor changed from sad to downright furious and she lifted her dress so that she wouldn't trip. "Cass I think she's up to something, keep an eye on her."

"Don't worry Dean," Castiel said. "I'm going to make sure of that." Nova scoffed and turned around, she stormed away from Castiel and Dean leaving the mansion before either of them could say anything. Dean also felt sad due to the way his little brother had stormed upstairs. He was worried about his brother, the kid was always depressed for a few years. So far it had been manageable but Nova's constant presence might have pushed Sam's limits, and because he didn't want his brother to do anything stupid Dean ran after him. Despite knowing that his brother needed to blow off some steam. While he was distracted Nova realized that she had a chance to go look through everything the Winchesters had, but she was caught by Castiel.

"What are you doing?" Nova asked. She was hiding a bunch of pearl necklaces that she had gotten her hands on.

"You took something from the house, young lady." Castiel said. "Don't try to say that you didn't. There's something suspicious about you."

"How dare you, I never stole anything!" She exclaimed. Nova tried to burst into tears again but Castiel wasn't buying it and pulled the bag from behind her back.

"You listen to me, egghead," Castiel said. "If you tried to get in Sam and Dean's way, you'll regret it, I don't know what kind of scheme you and your family are cooking up but I will not let you get away with it." Nova's face twitched for a split second before she finally showed her true colors.

"Ugh my father will hear about this!" She exclaimed, running off like the spoiled brat she was. "Daddy!"

"What a bitch." Castiel grumbled and made his way back to the mansion.


John and Mary waited at the gate for their flight to arrive, the snow had finally stopped making it possible for them to arrive at the airport. But the weather had still delayed their flight as the pilots weren't sure if it was safe to take off.

"I can't stand this waiting John," Mary said. "I wanna go see our boys, this flight needs to hurry up."

"I know dear but we're one of the few lucky ones that didn't have our flight canceled," John responded. "We really need to get a private Jet."

"I'll put that on the bucket list," Mary responded. "But I think Cas is right, we've promised our kids multiple times that we'd be home for Christmas and we never went through with it." John sighed knowing that his wife had a point, his work was always demanding and often caused him to break promises he had made to his son's.

"I know we work a lot but I've been doing a lot of thinking," John said. "It won't be easy but I want us to try being stay-at-home parents." Mary loved that idea and was about to say they should tell Castiel about it, but a voice came up over the intercom announcing that their plane had arrived.

"Flight 1998 has arrived at gate B3." the voice said. "Now boarding to Lawrence Kansas."

"Looks like it's time to go and meet our children, I hope they didn't burn the house down." John said and stood gathering up his bags, together he and Mary walked to the gate that the intercom talked about.


Nova was furious that Castiel had called her out. Everything that she thought would work was now starting to fall out of line; the only successful thing she did was tear a rift between Sam and Dean. But that wouldn't please her old man. Of course, a thought occurred to her. Maybe It was a bad idea to try and get in between the brothers. She saw how close they were and wished her parents were like that to her. It was a strange feeling, She had gotten to her house but thankfully her parents weren't home. The snow was practically ankle deep and she was just exhausted from everything that she had done during her time at the Winchesters. She walked through the ankle deep snow and paused due to seeing someone standing across the street. She didn't know anything about the stranger but something told her to approach the woman. Nova walked closer and realized that the woman looked strangely like her grandmother. Only when she was about twenty-four. Nova was unsure of how to react, she kept approaching the woman and stopped the minute that the woman turned to see her Nova was taken aback by the sight.

"Grandma Rose?" Nova said, shocked. " I must be imagining things!"

"No dear one you're not," she answered. "I came to see you because you seem troubled Nova."

"I don't know what's going on with me," Nova said. "On one hand I'm trying to do what my father wanted, but on the other hand this somehow feels wrong. I used to think that it was good that I was helping him but now I'm not so sure." Rose clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"Life is just like that sometimes, sapling, we love someone so much that we are blind to who they really are," she explained. "Your father always had trouble getting along with others, and I'm sad to hear that he's trying to make you do his dirty work."

"But what are these feelings I feel with Dean?" Nova asked. "I shouldn't be feeling like this."

"It's regret, an emotion your father tried to prevent you from feeling," Rose responded. "You know that he won't stop doing this, there is not enough money or power in this world for him," she continued. "I suggest doing what you think is best." Nova never thought about that. She always thought that to get on her parents' good side it was to help them beat a rival but now here she was regretting everything that she had done. She saw that she had successfully ruined a relationship between two brothers but she failed to realize that their parents weren't there and her parents were always with her. It made her feel guilty. Everything that had gone down had made her forget that not everyone is as lucky as she was. Sam and Dean only ever had each other, and from the looks of it, she probably destroyed everything.

"I shouldn't have done that, Sam and Dean only had each other and now they're relationship was ruined because of me," Nova said. "They're parents aren't even at home with them all the time, I never thought that maybe they were hurting and I was getting in their way."

"Maybe you should tell them how you feel instead of me." Rose told her. Nova nodded and decided that the best option was to talk to the brothers even though she knew that her parents would be angry about it.

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