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Wanda stands on the stairs leading up to the throne, alongside her brothers Pietro, Loki, and Thor, and her sister Sylvie, as Hela walked proudly down the aisle and the crowds of Asgardians cheered.

It was Hela's coronation day today, since she was the firstborn.

Wanda would never see the day she claimed the throne. She was 6th in line behind her other siblings and besides, she had seemingly the most chaotic powers of them all. She wasn't even taught to fight like Thor, Pietro, and Hela were.

Instead she learned magic with Loki and Sylvie. Their mother Frigga used to teach them out in the meadows beyond the palace.

But even her magic was different from theirs. Whereas Loki, Sylvie, Frigga, and even Hela had green Asgardian magic, Wanda's magic was a bright scarlet red. Frigga told her that it meant she was the most powerful of them all But at that point, Wanda would only allow herself to give people nightmares and shoot red energy blasts out of her hands. She feared what her power could do. She feared causing her family any harm, or worse, causing her kingdom any harm.

Frigga had explained long ago that Wanda was The Scarlet Witch, a being of unfathomable power, and that she was destined to either rule or destroy the multiverse. But Wanda was determined to not let that happen.

So she just stood on the sidelines and watched as her eldest sister, Hela Odinsdottir, The Goddess of War and Death, inherited the throne of Asgard. The whole time Wanda stood and smiled like everything was fine.

But deep down, she wasn't fine. A part of her longed for what Hela had. That admiration and influence. That glory and power.

The Throne.

The Throne of Asgard, the most powerful kingdom in all the cosmos.

She was torn from her thoughts by a cold chill running down her spine. It was like the entire room went cold. She looked over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of a bluish figure zipping past, leaving brief patches of frost in it's wake.

She slipped away from the celebration to investigate. She followed a path of frost to the treasure room, and there she found incapacitated guards and...

"Frost Giants." She said in horror.

They were trying to steal the Casket. She knew it was taken from them for good reason, so she used her powers to subdue the intruders and warn her father of the danger.

Almost immediately Odin, Thor, Loki, and Pietro arrived with two Einherjar who took the intruders to the prison cells below.

"Wanda, what happened?" Thor asked.

"I could sense something was wrong. I came down here and found them trying to steal the Casket. I did what I was supposed to do, I stopped them--"

"Wanda, you could have lost control. You know your powers are too dangerous. That's why mother gave you this charm. To dampen your powers so you don't accidentally hurt anyone." Loki cuts in, pointing to Wanda's necklace. It was a simple red gem on a golden chain, but the gem contained the sands of Nisanti, which are used to restrict magical powers.

Wanda could still use some of her power, but not all of it. She knew it was for the best, but it still hurt to feel so weak sometimes.

It scared her, though.
To think that she could hurt someone, or worse, kill them.

"I did what I had to do." Wanda says coldly before walking away.

"Laufey did this. He broke the peace treaty." Thor says angrily.

Wanda overhead. She had never heard much about Laufey before apart from the boastful tales their father would tell them as children.

"Laufey." Wanda whispers, hurrying off to find Sylvie.

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