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Wanda and the others returned, greeted by Heimdall, Thor's best friend.

"Glad to see you still in one piece, Odinson." Heimdall says, pulling the bifrost sword from the mechanism.

"Well, this time, the credit doesn't go to me." Thor says, putting an arm around Wanda's shoulder. "This one is stronger than she's given credit for."

Wanda just stood there dumfounded. Thor had never shown even an ounce of appreciation for her abilities, opting instead to fear the powers she had been 'cursed' with.

"I certainly hope she didn't do too much damage to their king." Heimdall says, slightly concerned.

"He'll just be having some visits from The Nightmare for a while. Surely nothing a centuries old Jotun King handle." Pietro pipes up, grinning from ear to ear.

The siblings walked back to the palace, Wanda clumsily discarding her gear in the armory.

As she was walking back to her room exhausted, Wanda overhead two of the healers talking in the halls as walked with Frigga.

"I've never seen anything like it, M'lady. It's as though he's entirely made of some strange metal."

"What do you mean?" Frigga asks, furrowing her brow.

"It's not Uru, nor any other metal we've encountered. It seems invulnerable to hear and magnetism, m'lady."

Interesting...Wanda pondered, silently following them as they headed towards the infirmary.

"...and he was found in the fields?"

"Yes, m'lady. It appeared as though he fell from the sky."

As they entered the infirmary, Wanda used one of Loki's favorite spells to cloak herself and remain unseen.

On one of the tables laid a man with reddish purple skin and deep greenish-gray armor, and a thin yellow cape. There was some sort of strange yellow gem in his forehead, seemingly embedded within him.

"Why did you not inform me of the gem?" Frigga asks, looking rather concerned.

"We didn't know what it was." One of the young healers says.

"This is the Mind Stone. It's a artifact of unimaginable power. Whoever put it into a synthezoid must have not known what it was." Frigga explains.

Wanda couldn't tear here eyes from the stone. It felt like it was calling out to her, beckoning her towards it.

She waited silently till the others left, then slowly approached the strange man with the even stranger gem in his forehead. She carefully prodded at the gem with her magic, trying to get a sense for what exactly it was.

Suddenly she felt a burst of energy surge through her entire body, but it didn't hurt. In fact, it felt...like strength, coursing through her.

Suddenly, the energy cut off, jolting the synthezoid online once more. The man's eyes flew open, making Wanda yelp. He sat up with a gasp, eyes wide and uncertain. He looked over to Wanda, immediately sensing the infinity stone energy coursing through her, along with something else. Something...deeper.

"I'm sorry. That was...odd." The man says quietly, staring directly at Wanda.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Wanda asks, heart racing from the sudden boost of adrenaline coursing through her body.

"My name is Vision. I come from Earth. I was created by Dr Pym, as part of his robotics research." Vision says calmly. "I did not mean to frighten you, young lady. It's just...you woke me up quite suddenly."

Wanda let a small grin onto her face, allowing herself to calm down a little. "How did you get here? If you don't mind me asking."

"I was sent by Dr. Pym on a mission to investigate several strange spikes of quantum energy in neighboring solar systems. I wound up in combat with a creature called Ebony Maw. He attempted to remove this gem from me, but I fought him off. Then I was knocked unconscious and fell to this planet. What do you call this place? If you don't mind me asking..."

"Asgard." Wanda responds, feeling that same lure once again. She ignored the feeling and continued questioning him. That is, until Frigga entered the room.

"I see our man of metal is awake." Frigga says, startling Wanda.

"This is Vision. Vision, this is Queen Frigga of Asgard, my mother." Wanda says quickly, introducing the synthezoid.

"Your majesty." Vision says respectfully. "This is an extraordinarily advanced planet. The technology here is such that even I have not encountered."

"Our technology borders the line between science and magic." Frigga says, eyes fixed on her now blushing daughter who was now standing behind Vision.

Oh, dear...  

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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