CH.7 Why Me?

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Y/n pov
As i was driving home i felt like i wws being followed but i shruged it off by listening to f/s. When i got home i got out my car and walked to the front door and slowly opened my door. When i closed it there was something blocking it door. I look at a purple shoe and a have an idea who it is. "Heeeey y/n~" "umm hi Vincent, did you follow me?" "Maybeee" "seriously -_-" "well we didn't finish something at the pizzeria" he started to smirk with his white teeth and eyes glowing. "Vincent do you like me?!" "No, i love you" i have no idea what to say to this. I don't think i like Vince i love.....Marionette. *sigh* "well Vincent i-i" i was interrupted by Vince "you like the Marionette don't you?" I look at the floor "but y/n i love you more than how much he loves you" "i don't know what to say..... its just t-tmp" Vincent's lips were on mine and i thought about it. Do i have feelings for this grape (XD) hmmmm. I just don't feel anything.

Vincent pov
When i kissed her she didn't kiss back and that made me mad. She loves that puppet, but y/n will be mine and mine only no one will take her but first i need her to love me instead. I pick her up bridal style and took her to her room. I closed the door and i threw her on the bed and i pinned her while i was on top. She looked like she was lost in thought, i can't believe that i am doing this to you but i will read your mind. Sorry y/n but i need to know.

Y/n pov
In thoughts-
(I don't love him but hiw do i say it nicely i better hurry before Vince continues what he is doing) "you don't have to y/n i see you don't have the same feeling for me" (did he just read my mind?) "Yes yes i did you were in deep thoughts and i needed to know what you were thinking" i punched him "ouch you punch hard" "well next time don't read my mind" "ok geez sorry but i guess ill go" he started to walk out the door but i felt horrible "wait....stay here with me until we work for the night shift" "really?" "Yea i don't like being alone" "ok" we went downstairs and he went to the kitchen. "HEY Y/N DO YOU HAVE ANY BREAD!?" "YEA" " i walked in and gave him the bread "y/n where is your toaster? " "it over there" i pointed to my f/c toaster. "Thanks" "no problem" i walked out with a bag of cookies and sat on the couch looking for movies. As I did, i heard the toaster pop out toast 5 times. He then came and joined me on the couch.

Vincent pov
As i made my toast i still was thinking about y/n and hiw she perfers a puppet over a real person who loves her. After my toast was ready i sat with her on the couch. As i was eating my toast she took one and that made me angry. "Y/n give it back" i hissed "no its my toast" she teased and ate it and smiling evily while chewing. I got to her face and i cupped it and kissed her she gasp.

Y/n pov
When is Vincent going to stop trying but i was blushing which made me mad. He broke the kiss and i noticed the toast was gone from my mouth. I look at him and see him chewing with a grin on his face.

-time skip brought to you by Vincent taking your toast-

I looked at the time and it was 11:30pm "hey Vince we need to start going" he nodded i went to change and i saw a figure outside my door. "Hey Vince you perv wait for me in my car" "Fineeeeee" and i saw him leave. I put my hair up and put my night gaurd hat on.

A/n a short chapter but I shall update soon. ~marionette ❤

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